
BRICS-Vertreter bleiben Wirtschaftstreffen en la fern de Moskau Von

BRICS-Vertreter bleiben Wirtschaftstreffen en la fern de Moskau Von

The BRICS State Board of Directors is moving towards Freitag through Abwesenheit to a working group in Moskau. The War Board and BRICS-Gipfel Projects Board of Directors took place from October 22 to 24 in Kasan, Russia. The Anstelle von Finanzministern und Zentralbank heads vertraten rangniedrigere Beamte die Länder.

Besonders auffällig war das Fernbleiben hochrangiger Vertreter en China, India et en Sud Africa. Dies geschah vor dem Hintergrund von Äußerungen des Kreml-Berateters Juri Uschakow, der westlichen Ländern vorwarf, Druck auf Nationen auszuüben, den Gipfel zu meiden. The Ministry of Finance of Egypt and the UAE agency responded to the request of the head of the Iranian central bank.

The investor trend is for Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanow to make an alternative to the Western global financial system. As part of the BRICS Bridge integration project of the international systems of international integration, the grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten erleichtern soll. Russia’s vanguard of financial integration within the BRICS group is responsible for the creation of a clearing center, a rating agency, a funds exchange company and a investment bank.

Siluanow supports the idea of ​​a common investment platform based on the BRICS New Development Bank within the framework of the game, a new digital transaction method which is useful. Konkrete Details zu dieser digitalen Form blieben jedoch aus.

Russia is tackling this initiative and is a reaction to the sanctions of the Western nation, informed of the Ukrainian conflict, the country of international capital markets having been abgeschnitten. Russian companies see their operations in transactions with trading partners clash, themselves within the BRICS, by the banks of these Ländern Konsequenzen ouestlicher Regulierungsbehörden fürchten. Als Folge aben russische Unternehmen auf Tauschhandel und Kryptowährungen zurückgegriffen, um Zahlungen abzuwickeln.

The Moskauer Treffen is the pre-planning project for the BRICS-Gipfel, established with the Treffen of the Group of 20 before the authorities. Beim Gipfel in Kasan will be the head of state and heads of state within the new BRICS states. Saudi Arabia is a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prinz Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, and its President. Saudi Arabia has joined the BRICS government to ensure that the time has come for a delegation war and a delegation to the Moskauer Treffen that is not vertreten.

Reuters is leading this article beigetragen.

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