
Hinter diesen 7 Superhits verbergen sich krasse Hintergrundgeschichten

Hinter diesen 7 Superhits verbergen sich krasse Hintergrundgeschichten

A blow is a blow, it’s a blow. Aber Manchmal Stecken Hinter großen Hits noch ößere Geheimnisse – and if it is manchmal wert, gelüftet zu werden.

These 7 Songs Are Well-Known, But These Backstories Are Known For Not Sure

It’s a first day, it was a manchmal for Hintergrundgeschichten Hinter Songs stecken – and woraus handle Künstler*innen bisweilen ihre Ideen schöpfen.

1. Van Halen: Jump

Van HalenYouTube

The song Leap The rock band Van Halen is not in the group’s most original song, but also in one of the most popular hits in the mainstream world. Frontman David Lee Roth in the permanent video acrobatische Sprünge vollführt and the pieces durchaus gute Laune verbreitet – the background is a bit schön. The idea of ​​singer David Lee Roth was created by an idea, which is sure of his personal knowledge. Daring ging est un homme, der dame straight, von un Turm zu springen et Selbstmord zu begehen. Roth realized that, on the other hand, he was in the spring of a person who thought of him: “Los, spring!” – this is how this Superhit is heard.

2. The Boomtown Rats: I don’t like Mondays


The Irish band The Boomtown Rats does not know how its musical work is best for its leader Bob Geldorf, the center of the charitable Achtzigerjahre Bandage-Projekte initiated et Damit einhergehend auch die legendären Live Help-Konzerte auf die Beine gesturellt hat. A big hit from The Boomtown Rats 1979 was made: I don’t like Mondays. For old Golden Leute das Stück als DER Song für all diejenigen, die sich montags wieder zurück in Wochenende wünschen. Doch das Lied is all others like a Montagmuffel anthem. Tatsächlich took place in an Amoklauf, on January 29, 1979, at the Grover Cleveland elementary school in San Diego, at the secondary school – a month. The 16-year-old ladies Brenda Ann Spencer chose a semi-automatic house with a window in their electric houses auf das gegenüberliegende Schulgebäude. Zwei Leute starben, neun Menschen wurden verletzt. While Tat says that on a reporter’s day he says, “I don’t like Mondays.” »

3. Michael Jackson: Billie Jean


This is one of the most popular songs from the most famous planets: Billie Jean of fallen superstar Michael Jackson. And zumindest Teile des Tracks cann sicherlich jede*r mitsingen. But the last part of the story is also the text of the text: “But the kid is not my son” – and this is the story of the Stück. Denn damals hat Michael Jackson regelmäßig Briefe a iner Frau erhalten, aines durchgeknallten Fans, die ihm permanent ihre Liebe versicherte, ain Leben mit ihm führen wollte et behauptete, dass er der Vater ihres Kindes sei. Jackson spoke to the Briefen to find out, because it is often the Albträume that he chose. One day, Jackson gave his wife a package, a brief, a photo and a waffle. If you wollte, dass er sich umbringt, and schrieb, ass sie sich and your Baby ebenfalls umbringen würde, damit sie in einem anderen Leben zusammen sein könnten. This Vorfall inspired Jackson for Horror, which is right, for work and a written lie, indirectly and richly for the woman. Was aus ihr geworden ist, ist leider unnoticed.

4. The Beatles: So Be It


The song Let it be so It was spoken by Feder Paul McCartneys, in 1969, during the year, in his lie which revealed a problem with drugs and alcohol. While there is a night spent in the house and a unique feeling, if I am in Mutter’s trauma, the war was started, and Paul had another war on the 14th day. So it’s all about the trauma with its blessings and it says: “Let it be”. Paul McCartneys said about the Vorfall mal: “Es war wunderschön. I’m seeing with a big art auf, then it’s so fast, and also that I’m at this point very schwierigen Punkt in meinem Leben im Traum besucht and mir this Botschaft übermittelt » McCartney worked with Inspiration and began, one of his legendary songs der Musikgeschichte zu schreiben.

5. The Beatles: Adventurers of the Rail


And now the Beatles, denn also zum Song Ticket to ride It’s a safe and secure length and background, and it happens like this: While the 1965 song clearly shows, the Beatles are a well-known rock band. I heard their friends playing with the Beatles and one day in Hamburg on the Reeperbahn. Damals sollen die ortigen Gesundheitsbehörden den Sexarbeitenden Karten ausgestellt haben, die bescheinigten, dass sie gesund waren. So, it was probably John Lennon who chose to book his tickets for “Fahren”. Ob Lennon das das das das ernst gemeint et nur Quatsch erzählt hat, werden wir wohl nie erfahren.

6. Aerosmith: Dude (looks like a lady)


This song may not be the best, but it is rightly included in the group’s repertoire. Mitte der Achtziger arbeitete die Band gerade an ihrem Album Permanent vacationfor the composer Desmond Child. Singer Steven Tyler talks about a song with its title Cruise for ladiesthat Child mochte den Titel nicht. Tyler played in his role, the song rushed to another title, nämlich Dude looks like a lady. Der Grund: In a bar where Tyler has a fat ausgemacht blonde, the most attractive staff. Doch, like Tyler, said he was celebrating he was the one who worked with Vince Neil, the lead singer of the Glamrock band Mötley Crüe. This work extends equally brilliantly, dass das Lied seinen ursprünglichen Titel zurückbekam. Ach, et: Vince Neil erfuhr davon et soll es mit Humor genommen haben.

7. Deep Purple: Smoke on the water

Deep Purple officialYouTube

Das Riff zu Smoke on the water This is one of the best tests of Rockgeschichte. So the hints of the songs are still old, but they are: Damals, als das Lied 1971 erschien, war die Band im suisse Montreux, um einige new Songs aufzunehmen. An Abend played Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Inventions at the Montreux Casino, and they asked the idea to play with a submachine gun to play. This submachine gun must be set up by the Holzdach of Brand’s casinos, so the pistol gun must be used to escape the group – going beyond Deep Purple’s music group. See the legend: Smoke on the water.