
Munich: Is the AfD at the service of the Stadtrat Stimme von anderer Partei – Tabubruch? -Munich

Munich: Is the AfD at the service of the Stadtrat Stimme von anderer Partei – Tabubruch? -Munich

This is the initiative of the city of the CSU, Evelyne Menges, as city councilors, and these assistance measures from the authorities: 29 measures for Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU) and political councilors, 44 measures for Christian Scharpf (SPD), and vier Stimmen for Iris Wassill (AfD). Vier Stimmen? As part of the cooperation initiative for Unruhe, the AfD is in three city governments.

This is a formal notification without Folgen, a politician is a Tabubruch. After all, your life is inhaltlichen Streitpunkte waren alle anderen im Stadtrat vertretenen Parteien sich bisher in einem einig: ass die AfD keinen Fußbreit Unterstützung bekommt. Nun is zum ersten Mal passiert.

There may be worms, a circle and false things within the person who bears the name of the AfD city within the Wahlzettel. Wer es war, wird man nicht erfahren, sofern die Person sich nicht offenbart.

Marian Offman (SPD) will then take charge of this within the Reihen des Sitzungssaals. These are activities carried out by the judicial government and an incitement to the spread of anti-Semitism and extremism law in the city. “We have a man of four Nazis in the city,” said Offman, “we came across all the Löchern.”

In his Parteifreund, Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter, it turns out that the theme is not within his reach. There is no political motivation for the AfD, because “there are years that will go on for years.” This is an “einen unangemessenen Scherz”.

Manuel Pretzl, Fraktionsvorsitzender von CSU/Freie Wähler, bezeichnet den Vorfall als “völlig unerklärlich”. Sollte jemand die Stimme aus Protest abgegeben haben, wäre das verfehlt, dafür gäbe es “andere Wege”. Sebastian Weisenburger, head of the Fraktions von Grünen/Rosa Liste, finds the Sache “shockierend”. And it will be nothing if it is lost. “I agree with you, that day, the wrong theme is in the current test.”