
Award given to West Bromwich police officer for ‘transformative innovation’ to reduce street drinking

Award given to West Bromwich police officer for ‘transformative innovation’ to reduce street drinking

When Matt joined the West Bromwich town center neighborhood policing team, street drinking and associated anti-social behavior was a significant problem affecting residents – including rowdiness, physical disorder, littering , swearing and intimidation.

With traditional police responses not proving effective, Matt took a more creative approach. He has worked with a local rehabilitation service to divert offenders from street drinking and worked with local businesses to identify and address factors contributing to offending.

A key part of his work was creating warm, safe social spaces for street drinkers to congregate in more controlled environments.

Matt Cooper. Image: West Midlands Police

This included working with a local pub, Transport for West Midlands and a local bus station’s ‘Let’s Chat Community Hub’ – enabling regular support, check-ins and engagement.

Reports of street drinking have fallen by more than 60 per cent in six months and several ex-offenders are now actively giving back to the community through voluntary work, thanks to his intervention.

A number of ex-offenders Matt has engaged with are now giving back to the community; one became a volunteer at the local Let’s Chat centre, another donated money to support the center and a group organized a Christmas caroling event outside a local pub last year .

Matthew said: “It became clear that issuing fines did not provide street drinkers with the necessary opportunities to change their behavior and often created barriers between police and offenders. A multi-agency approach is necessary; individuals must feel supported, be willing to engage and be held more accountable for their actions.

“While this is a work in progress and there is still much to be done, particularly in dealing with seasonal peaks, I am pleased to have seen the positive effects of this approach so far in the region. »

Matt has also been nominated for a national Tilley Award for his work, which recognizes excellence in policing problem solving.

Image: West Midlands Police

Eight armed forces officers from across the country received awards and were addressed by Chief Constable Craig Guildford QPM at a ceremony in London on Friday October 4.

A West Midlands Police spokesperson said: “The annual Alumni Impact Awards celebrate the achievements of officers who have graduated from one of Police Now’s national programs and who have gone above and beyond to reduce or solve crime, solve problems in their communities. , or innovate and lead within the police.

“Inspired by Matthew’s story? Want to make a positive impact on your community? We’re recruiting more police officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) to join our team! Find out more and apply today today: WMP Jobs | West Midlands Police.