
News from Konflikt Nahost: Hamas attacks all its leaders Jahia Sinwar – Politik

News from Konflikt Nahost: Hamas attacks all its leaders Jahia Sinwar – Politik

Biden to Tod Sinwars: “Dies ist ein guter Tag”

US President Joe Biden is the leader of Hamas Sinwar fighters by the Israeli army. “This is a good word for Israel, for the states and the world,” he said in a White House that has lights on the Bidens. The Anführer of the Terrorgrupppe sei Sinwar for all residents of Israelis, Palestinians, Americans and Bürgers in more than 30 states. There is the Drahtzieher der Massaker, Vergewaltigungen et Entführungen on October 7, 2023 in Israel.

Biden pledges to follow up on US child care with Israel. “During the massacre of October 7, I had special sessions and we have general councils, a page on the page with your Israeli colleges to work on, a Sinwar and other Führers of Hamas, who are in the band of Gaza, ausfindig zu machen et zu verfolgen. » , therefore Biden. He arrived in Türkiye with Israeli Prime Minister Netanjahu, who turned to him to address his family’s lives and the Gaza war. There is a chance for political peace, the Israelis and the Palestinians have a better chance of succeeding. However, if you do not have any problems, you will not be able to do so. “But this is now the longest job for us,” Biden said.