
Messtechnik in CCUS-Anwendungen

Messtechnik in CCUS-Anwendungen

For a climate neutral zone in Germany there are three central strategies: neben der Emissionsvermeidung und dem Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien auf die Abscheidung, Nutzung et Speicherung von CO₂ (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, CCUS). These masses are entscheidend, um das Ziel der Netto-Treibhausgasneutralität bis 2045 zu erreichen and bis 2050 sogar negative Emissionen zu erzielen, also more CO₂ zu zu zu zu erreichen and zu emitieren.

CO₂-Aufbereitung und -Transport im Griff behalten.

CO₂ pollution in the atmosphere for reduction purposes must be ensured by the absorption of CO₂ directly by industrial companies such as chemical companies, craft factories, manufacturing plants or bioenergy companies. It is therefore possible to activate two efficient emissions technologies: carbon capture (CC) removes CO₂, before being absorbed by the air and having an air flow schädlichen in the current climate. The aim here is to understand man from the biogenic CO₂, which is the closest basic material, and CO₂ from fossil sources.

Direct air capture (DAC) takes place directly in the atmosphere by absorbing CO₂ directly at the air collector. It’s the CO₂ that is absorbed, I must not talk about it at all. Bei der Gasexceptbereitung wird das abgeschiedene CO₂-Gas behandelt, um Verunreinigungen et nicht kondensierbare Gase zu entfernen. This is a project for the implementation of these maintenance works, if you do not come into contact with the compression, transport and speicher operations. There are corrosion problems in CO₂ pipelines which are caused by water labor, wastewater (H₂S) and wastewater (O₂) started to operate. If the temperature is corrected, the CO₂ temperature will be reduced. It is therefore possible to observe corrosion and simulation in pipelines or condensation and corrosion in compressor stations.

These complex services provide Endress+Hauser TDLAS and QF analysis in an ideal setting for messaging and observing CCUS services. These highly modern devices are equipped with an online information message that is of interest to you. When transporting CO₂ in pipelines, TDLAS analyzers are analyzed in real time, with QF analyzes O₂ aufspüren, um Corrosion zu verhindern. Thanks to their design, stability, stability and security guarantees, these alternative method technologies are applied and ensure the security and efficiency of management processes.

Zwischen Gas and Flussigkeit: Präzision bei der CO₂-Durchflussmessung

The industry can use CO₂ abgeschiedene sustainably, and for its use of Kraftstoffen, Chemikalien and Baumaterialien. So it is a product like the packaging material for synthetic materials, polymers, waste and carbon in building materials. Chemical industry specialists diffuse CO₂ into a methanol production roll, a basic product for everything from art products and equipment to packaging products and medicines. Traditionally, it is methanol by a reaction of Kohlenmonoxid (CO) with water (H₂) under high temperature and humidity. Doch in den den vergangenen Jahren hat sich CO₂ as alterr Rohstoff for the Methanolsynthesis established.

It is not possible to generate CO₂, so it must be for transport through pipelines that it is possible to use CO₂ in this phase, which means that one of the gases is in contact with a certain difficulty, one or the other of the fluids enspricht. Das stellt eine Herausforderung für die Durchflussmessung dar. Aufgrund der ungewöhnlichen Unterschiede in den thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften von CO₂ est un problem de control du temperature et la action du pipeline. Auf die Gebiet verfügt Endress+Hauser über das Fachwissen et die Erfahrung, un complex CO₂-Durchflussmessungen unter Einhaltung der vorgeschriebenen Quantitäts- und Qualitätsparameter durchzuführen. The Coriolis-Massedurchflussmessgeräte bieten zuverlässige and bewährte Technologien für Messungen in der dichten CO₂-Phase, the höchste Genauigkeit and Reliabilität gewährleisten. Außerdem bieten die Messtechnik-Experten Complete Metering-Skids for the genaue Messung am Übergabepunkt.

CO₂ transport infrastructure: Sicherer Weg zur Speicherung

Wohin das CO₂ geliefert wird, pendant in der Regel davon ab, ob un Pipeline, un Lkw, die Bahn oder un Schiff zur Verfügung steht. Rail rail transport is located in Bezug auf die Kosten pro Kilometer the 2nd best option for inland. Der Transport per Schiff kommt vor allem dann in Frage, wenn das CO₂ zur dauerhaften Sequestrierung vor der Küste deponiert oder als Rohstoff in eine Region verkauft werden soll, in der ein Transport im Inland nicht möglich ist. When it comes to large industrial clusters or industrial sectors, large Kohlenstoffdioxid abscheiden companies and air transport have created a flexible network for pipelines, which offers the best solution and transportation base for transportation. Generate as said network of charging stations above the installation and implementation of household appliance services, as well as an ausgebautes pipeline network within the company for efficient transport and security of the production of CO₂.

CO₂-Speicherung im Meer oder in der Erde

Die Speicherung von Kohlendioxid can be sowohl under the erde as well as under dem meer erfolgen, wobei das CO₂ for Nutzung technology or auerhafte Isolation aufbewahrt wird. Die Nordsee wurde als potenzieller Standort für die Speicherung unter dem Meer identifiziert, da ihre Sandsteinschichten aine Kapazität von etwa 100 Billion. t CO₂ biten. After the absorption of CO₂ within a radius of 2 km in the Oceanic Ocean, the atmosphere is isolated. For safety reasons, CO₂ is not absorbed sufficiently and excessive overeating often occurs. This means that the Umweltrisiken of the CO₂-Speicherung are not available.

CO₂ can be just as safe and sustainable in tiefen, porösen Gesteinsformationen gespeichert werden, often über Tausende von Jahren. The US National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has been approved by North America for a current production rate of over 900 years of CO₂. A number of identification measurements are provided to provide detailed geological information. This is due to the high water content of the Aquifer or the presence of oil and gas. The CO₂ is in an area of ​​900 m and 900 m due to the sand and sand that is injected, which is in the Porenräumen eingeschlossen. This CO₂ is emitted in an “uber-kritischen” flüssigen Zustand gespeichert, ähnlich den Bedingungen, under denen Flüssigkeiten stable im Untergrund eingeschlossen bleiben. A dichte Deckschicht aus nicht porösem Gestein über der Lagerstätte verhindert eintweichen du CO₂. After the test, there is continuous monitoring which allows a high level of safety to be achieved, because the CO₂ is isolated. Compliance with strict standards and minimized risk monitoring are austere and guarantee the security of the underlying monitoring.

CCUS as editor-in-chief

Damit CCUS erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann, bedarf es ainer intensiven Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industry, Forschung and Politik. It is now clear that regulatory regulations are applied, advanced technologies and safety time and the universal environment gewährleisten. It’s about investments in infrastructure, as well as a flexible network for CO₂ transport and storage, as well as nutrition, effortlessly. Investments in research and development are very interesting, they are dying Effizienz et Wirtschaftlichkeit von CCUS-Technologien zu steigern et ihre Anwendung auf breiter Basis zu ermöglichen. However, it is possible to control the power of the CCUS all the time and you will not be able to control the climate when it is frozen.