
Express dictatorship | Municipalities of Puebla

Express dictatorship | Municipalities of Puebla

““This list”, sent to the comadres and the varón, was deceased in the presagio, in the last moment of his life, already in the world of the testament of these amargas words, words of his acquaintance…”


If you aprueba the new reform to the Constitutionwhere are the unassailable reforms at the same sea due to constitutional controversy, by the action of unconstitutionality or via amparo juicewe confirm that we enter the classification of countries that establish a express dictation. No more hay. In a few words, if you started this initiative – which you passed, it is up to you to decide, by the joint committees of constitutional points and legislative studies of the Senate (24 votes for and 10 votes against) – in Mexico, you will not be able to oppose, prescribe, demonstrate disacuerdo, report errors in the realization by the Legislative and Ejecutivo authorities of Morena (as well as sean violatorios del proceso legislativo ou haya pifias en lo redactado). Depending on the initiative, this one is planted so far (and repeated, it was approved in committees) nor will it already exist impugnar a reform to the Carta Magna but the same thing violates the basic human rights of Mexicans.

As the “great design”, the mayor of Morena withdrew the directives of the modifications made to articles 1º and 105 of the Constitution, but this does not imply that the rest of the initiative does not bring judicial independence and capacity of the courts to protect human rights and ensure that Mexico’s compromises with the world are completed.

We are in the shadow of a new Ley of Herod (region second floor of the 4t), where this initiative allows SUPREMACIA “CONSTITUCIONAL” plus RETROACTIVITY. Officials maintain that this figure alone will allow “”benefit people“, but we know that this regime does not allow us to repair the damage and destroy what is most vulnerable. Rule of law. By the way, no hay que creerles nada.

Oh well, yesconstitutional supremacy‘I’m looking for what I said for the Legislative power I can’t be nor siquiera discussido. Furthermore, instead of “constitutional supremacy”, we had to call things by their name: it is “legislative supremacy”… What is long is that one of the principles of our Carta Magna is to impose a TODA authority the debt of adjustin the acts carried out in the exercise of its attributions, in the fundamental precepts of contract and conviviality in a just and free society. That the legislator removes from the Constitution the proposal to leave the Judicial power the possibility and the instruments of frenar dislates legislative muestra que la division of missing powers and that the Legislative Power, with the approval of the Executive Power, sets itself up as a dictation.

And I met the beautiful sight of Claudia Sheinbaum because in another way it was not heard Adán Augusto López Hernández Haya started this tension to the homeland…At least as the story also seas to it, I can pretend to consume in it Senate —as I say—is equivalent to giving the Legislative Power for everything, including the Presidency of the Republic.

So we assume that, before we start and show our cards, this is all where we consulted the president. Sheinbaum. In all this case it is the property of López Hernández-Gerardo Fernández Noroña and/or the result of the revenge and enojo of Arturo Zaldívar, advisor to the president, who appears as next DICTADORA OF MEXICO It’s ELLA. Lots of other stuff with that. What if you wanted to make history?

¿Por qué nadie se atreve a cirle que tu esamos de lleno en una constitutional crisis? Y si no se molesta ni inmuta por las huelgas The Judiciary will have to think about the negative impacts that they will have and which will tend to the next inversions from abroad, that is to say of the millions and millions of Mexicans who will end their lives.

But dado que en teoría el Legislative Is it an autonomous power, why not allow certain advisors (who are there) to implement the plan of the leaders of the cameras and commissions? O todavía mejor, ¿por que qué no modifican o de plano rechazan las initiatives that the manden si saben solo represent calabros for Mexico?

Una muestra más de que el morenism it is the synonym of irse by the free; to have the power and contact between them and to take it at the first opportunity.

Furthermore, this new initiative should be the Cuarta Transformación descalifica al Poder Judicial with base in lies or través de engaños that Claudia Sheinbaum generates or, well, that transfers them. If the first term of office was a former president of the Supreme Court, here that sin duda hay is a deep odio and zafio por destroy al Poder Judicial. “To build, then, more adelante uno basado in the mediocrity and in the political fanaticism? At these altitudes there is no doubt. At the moment, he confesses his esteemed readers, what he thinks is harmful diet prescindira del Judicial in its entirety, as well as the Constitution to give “justicia” and “normar” to Mexico; and other words, do it voluntarily.

Yes, that’s it express dictation that the claudism It was inaugurated to see that a group of people is infallible in demanding that Nadie be able to slow down or modify her proposals. Which is overall sober in space for the minimum of restriction, in fact, as if you were the only ones who could decide what is permitted or prohibited.

Digamos las cosas como son: the regimen busca precindir de la Constitución; tenerla o no va dando lo mismo. Sad and very lamentable paper by Claudia Sheinbaum as the head of a dictation in the name of the village…

Perinola Tower

There “opposition» Celebrated the intention (that’s why it is an intention that is not concrete) of the 4th to withdraw the changes proposed to article 1º of our Constitution. We are forced to decide that “is a step in the correct direction”. His position is absolutely reprehensible. What do you have to say about your responsibility, your civic value, your right to the homeland? In fact, they were called before the amparo judge proceeded against the additions or reforms to the Political Constitution! A burla of popular representatives is there that its.

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Column by Verónica Malo in SDP News

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