
Investment banking services are managed by JPMorgan and Wells Fargo

Investment banking services are managed by JPMorgan and Wells Fargo

NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (dpa-AFX) – US investment banks JPMorgan and Wells Fargo gained traction over the summer. I am written by Quartal verdienten beide Institute zwar weniger als ein Jahr zuvor. Doch Analysten hatten mit stärkeren Rückgängen gerechnet. The head of JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, is waiting for 2024 with his businessmen, getting the note from the US Fed on September 1, if it happened yesterday. Allerdings warnte der Manager vor desaströsen Folgen geopolitischer Konflikte.

An der Börse wurden die Neuigkeiten positiv aufgenommen. The JPMorgan company was purchased at the start of the sale in New York at a price of 3.3 percent for 219.79 dollars. For Wells Fargo’s business, the value is 5.8 percent. These two days have been published in German by JPMorgan at fast 30 Prozent and Wells Fargo at the same time.

I wrote Quartal verdiente JPMorgan 12.9 Billion US-Dollar (11.8 Billion Euro) and damit two Prozent weniger als ein Jahr Zuvor, as the Freitag Institute in New York mitteilte. There is a gap with all the simple gestures: so let yourself go to a clear Prozent auf 43.3 Billion Dollar zu and übertrafen die Erwartungen von Analysten.

In addition, the management has gained $3.1 billion for the value of the credit currency, and it will be more sustainable than the summer of 2023. The managers of the investment bank all have this assurance that is more humid.

Entgegen den Erwartungen konnte JPMorgan sogar die Zinserträge steigern. They are waiting for you in the summer of 2023 with three percentages for 23.5 billion dollars. The Bankführung is very optimistic for the Gesamtjahr. So the 2024 silver price is worth $91 billion and $92.5 billion.

JPMorgan chief Dimon spoke to the world about several things Australian. Young geopolitical regions are moving, geographic zones are located and moving towards them. Das schwere Leid vieler Menschen könne kurzfristig weitreichende Folgen für die Wirtschaft haben – et auf die künftige Entwicklung der Geschichte. Inflation will increase, and the world of the United States has a broader position.

Bei JPMorgans Konkurrentin Wells Fargo ging der Zinsüberschuss im Sommer hingegen um elf Prozent zurück. At Großbank San Francisco, half of the residential investment banking departments are tasked with creating a federal investment bank. Thus, the bank wrote off a quarter of 5.1 billion US dollars and a certain percentage more than a year, as in San Francisco.

The bank’s services sank luxury safety shoes with an amount of two dollars to 20.4 billion dollars. Anders als JPMorgan let Wells Fargo have a geld for many credit loans zurück als im Vorjahreszeitraum: Die Zuführung zur Risikovorsorge sank an elf Prozent auf knapp 1.1 Billion Dollar./stw/mis —
JPMorgan Zinsüberschuss von Bloomberg: The bank said the NII for 2024 would amount to around $92.5 billion, up from its previous forecast of around $91 billion. —
JPMorgan (S. 1 and 2, Investmentbank S. 4): 3rd quarter/66269bb6-ecc5-4172-b461-6b7e7cd47aab.pdf —
Wells Fargo PM (S. 1 and 2):