
Uranium Energy Corp. launched licensed production at $4 million fund U3O8 for the year in operating company Irigaray, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Story

Uranium Energy Corp. launched licensed production at  million fund U3O8 for the year in operating company Irigaray, Swiss Resource Capital AG, Story

12.1 million funds U3Oh8 pro Jahr an combinierter lizenzierter Produktionskapazität in the USA nachluss der bereits angekündigten Übernahme of the Vermögenswerte von Rio Tinto in Wyoming

Uranium Energy Corp (NYSE American: UEC) (da “Unternehmen” Or “UEC”) – – I invite you to do this, because it is the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Uranium recovery program, which launched the Genehmigung, the lizenzierte production structure in the seiner zentralen Aufbereitungsanlage Irigaray auf 4.0 Millionen Pfund U3Oh8 jährlich zu erhöhen.

Irigaray-Anlage is UEC’s Hub-and-Spoke production strategy in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. The Anlage supports the entire Uran-Satellite project of the UEC for the development of in situ transport systems (“ISR”) in this location, launching the Christensen Ranch project. The technical work is carried out in the Ganges and the best rüstungen, a perfectly matched filter press, which is used for training the assembly of the devices.

Amir Adnani, President and CEO, commented: “The implementation of the license to use Irigaray amounts to 4.0 million euros. The fund is a larger investment and a good way to get a rich, industry perspective that has been overtaken. energy in the United States This is a new paradigm for the organization of exploitation at the national level. Big tech such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Oracle have committed to a solution for nuclear power, directly into the research services infrastructure. structure of the Kernenergie zu investeren, spiegelt die Erkenntnis mostwide, ass the Kernenergie eine sichere, äußerst zuverlässige, wirtschaftliche et saubere Energie liefert.”

Herr Adnani says loudly: “Young Meilenstein also explains the hard work and commitment of the wider UEC teams, as well as the creation of our Kapazitäten in Irigaray and the high production of the Christensen Ranch konzentriert hat. Mit Blick auf die Zukunft wird The company that deals with the operation of Rio Tinto America’s businesses in Wyoming is a branch of the production platform in the United States, which is a very good project for the potential of our project in the Great Divide Basin.

Brent Berg, Senior Vice President of US Operations, said: “This licensing agency Meilenstein has found strong development in our industrial production business. unserem Powder River Basin ISR-Portfolio full auszuschöpfen, wo UEC über geschätzte Gesamtressourcen von 62,329,200 lbs U3Oh8 in the general and angezeigten categories and 10,724,700 lbs U3Oh8 in the abgeleiteten Kategorie verfügt.”(1)

So we came to Chandler, Ariz.-based Stantec with engineering efforts, process design optimization, capital costs and a project plan for plant production development in the basin. of Powder River. Stantec is a global contractor specializing in engineering, design, design and development.

On September 23, 2024, the UEC arrived with a Rio Tinto rail company, which led a company to a hub-and-spoke production platform in the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming. The acquisition of Sweetwater-Anlage with an authorized capital of 4.1 million U funds3Oh8 for the year we have a portfolio of urban projects, the best resource base of the UEC(2) um 175 Million Pfund historic resources available.

Using the Wyoming Hub-and-Spoke platform, the UEC was created and a South Texas ISR-Hub-and-Spoke production platform was created by the Hobson Central Operating Company and received a license of 4 million U funds.3Oh8 pro Jahr verfügt.

Noticed :

  1. SK 1300 Mineral Resource Report Wyoming Hub and Spoke ISR Project, WY, USA from September 13, 2022, Western Water Consultants, Inc.
  2. Based on internal studies and other historical dates, the original children of the project were created and were published in the time of 2019 in 1984 and 2019. These Schätzungen werden vom Unternehmen als historisch betrachtet and a qualified person who does not failed to work, a the historischen Schätzungen als aktuelle Mineralressourcen zu klassifizieren. Companies do not take care of current resources and do not verify these historical diagrams when it comes to illustrations and a relevant reading of the information on the life project. Darüber hinaus wurden cese Schätzungen nicht gemäß den SK 1300 Standards erstellt et die Ergebnisse zukünftiger Schätzungen des Unternehmens von diesen historischen Schätzungen abweichen.

Qualified person

The technical information contained in this press release was prepared by Dayton Lewis, P.Geo., UEC Vice President – Wyoming Resource Development, a qualified person under SEC Regulation SK 1300, applied and enforced.

Uber Uranium Energy Corp.

Uranium Energy Corp is a larger American company and a more powerful emitter of Uran, which ensures the safety, safeguarding and safeguarding of nuclear energy. The UEC is preparing the next generation of free ISR infrastructure projects in the United States and high-profile conventional projects in Canada. The companies work at two ISR-Hub-and-Spoke-Plattformen production sites in South Texas and Wyoming. These production platforms will be led by all central core operating functions (Central Processing Plants – CPPs) and will be supported by US and US ISR operating projects, for all planned new technologies. In August 2024, production of the Christ project began on Ensen Ranch in Wyoming. The Harz people and the Irigaray CPP (Wyoming-Hub) decided to provide companies with better financial diversification, namely: (1 ) one of the largest physical business portfolios.3Oh8 ; (2) a venture capital company of Uranium Royalty Corp, which has a number of industry royalty companies; and (3) a pipeline of uranium projects in the Western Hemisphere resource stage. The entrepreneurs’ company is made up of specialists in practical exploration and uranium exploration.

Contact Uranium Energy Corp Investor Relations under:
Free: (866) 748-1030
Fax: (361) 888-5041
Email: [email protected]

Scholarship information:
American NYSE: UEC
IS IT: US916896103


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