
Ordenan reanudar labores en el Poder Judicial

Ordenan reanudar labores en el Poder Judicial

Write en NACIONAL el

The Consejo de la Judicatura Federal (CJF) has swallowed the register of judges and federal courts in a normal and the application of services to workers who do not have them.

Taking into account Circular 23/2024 issued by the Consejo de la Judicatura Federal (CJF), the desire of the workers and, therefore, the return to the work of the Poder Judicial de la Federación (PJF) will be from today .

By four votes to three, the CJF gave its support to ending the work of district and circuit court judges. “The courts are required to fulfill the provisions in administrative matters, among others, the control of assistance in order to guarantee the optimal functioning of the impartiality of justice, with regard to administrative areas. You will have to apply the vigilant standard to the personnel who do not assist the worker, from October 24.

“Se instruye al Coordinador de Seguridad para que apoye a los jueces y magistrados que le soliciten el accesso a los imuebles”, indicates the document.

The Minister President, Norma Piña and the advisors Lilia Mónica López and José Alfonso Montalvo, Votaron against levantar el paro iniciado como protesta contra la reforma judiciario.

Councilor Sergio Javier Molina Martínez announced at the same time that he had information on the situation in which the elements of the PJF found themselves, who were surrounded by workers since last August, the CJF could take measures to secure the social interests and the proper involvement of justice. (