
Protege Poder Judicial in Salinas Pliego: United States

Protege Poder Judicial in Salinas Pliego: United States

Write en NACIONAL el

The Inversionistas estadounidenses de dos firmas, accusing the Mexican justice system of protecting Salinas Pliego and his company, TV Azteca, do not want to make the payment of your financial obligations abroad.

The person who presented a case on the American inversion funds, Cyrus Capital Partners LP and Contrarian Capital Management LLC, which intervene in an arbitration action against Mexico during the treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), addresses the employer directly. Mexican Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of TV Azteca, refused to pay a debt to North American inverters.

The document in question, an arbitration made to know the movements of the International Center for Arbitration of Differences (CIADI), so that you access the Reforma group, indicates that the judiciary was negligent and did not collaborate with the companies and investors affected by Salinas. Pliego, for this way of stopping what considers an abuse of the judicial system in favor of this ultimate.

The problem went back to a fideicomiso contract which had been confirmed on August 9, 2017; Thus, TV Azteca, according to the document, had issued 400 million dollars in debt securities and as part of the experience, the Salinas Pliego company had to make compromises to realize half-yearly interest pages at a price of 8.25 percent per year on the total sum and I lived with it for a few years; Without embargo, I have already started doing it since February 9, 2021, generating until the date, an adeudo which has supera in 36 percent, the original value of the deuda.

Within the presented piece, the inverters assure that TV Azteca obtains a judicial sentence practically secret in September 2022 for the part of the match Miguel Ángel Robles Villegas, which allowed the company of Salinas Pliego to suspend the payment of its people until the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declares the end of the covid-19 pandemic, which will be issued for the last time in principle in May 2023.

For state inverters, the phrase of the player Robles Villegas is worrying, it may mean that it can interpret a dangerous message to foreigners, to protect a tycoon from his companies, thus avoiding cumulating with his financial obligations inside and outside outside the country.

Before this panorama, the representatives of the two inversion funds involved in this case against Salinas Pliego, notified that the arbitral tribunal of the Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas e Inversiones (International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes) issues a favor The plaintiffs, in the event of violations of their agreements and, in their case, could also issue a summary of the economic damages to the investors.