
UKPNP leaders condemn Pakistan for widespread atrocities against PoJK residents

UKPNP leaders condemn Pakistan for widespread atrocities against PoJK residents

Senior leaders of the United Peoples of Kashmir National Party (UKPNP) recently held a press conference in Leeds, UK, condemning Pakistan for its discrimination and atrocities against residents of Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) occupied by Pakistan.

UKPNP President Shaukat Ali Kashmiri condemned Pakistan for making false accusations against UKPNP leaders and other activists belonging to PoJK.

While condemning such actions by the administration and defense forces, the UKPNP leader said, “We know that whoever will demand social rights in Pakistan, whoever will raise voice against atrocities and whoever will speak of the development of his country The region will be tortured and will be treated as a traitor. If this is the price to pay, we are traitors. »

Kashmir further said in its statement: “We condemn such actions; we condemn and reject the authorities who, just to diminish the sovereignty of their region, use shady tactics. We reject authorities who do not even grant their people basic democratic rights. and the infrastructure necessary for survival. And being called traitors by them does not affect us in any way.

He also said that Pakistan is a nation incapable of answering the questions raised by its people. He cannot defend his own brutal and draconian actions and policies. It often hides behind “fatwas” (religious orders) and atrocities and plays a blame game against people who get involved in activism for rights and justice.

“Pakistan has so radicalized its people that they are willing to kill each other in the name of religion. And those who have tried to resist the hierarchy and demand their rights are often attacked and tortured. We have witnessed the horrors that a radicalized mob can inflict if triggered,” he added.