
Risks and risks associated with annuity investments: with these assets and ETFs

Risks and risks associated with annuity investments: with these assets and ETFs

What do you know about the Portfolio? “All ETF choices are aimed at risk diversification,” Henke said. Darüber Hinaus Investert der Leser en India, was found in a dynamic Wachstumsmarkt Führt.

These Schwächen erkennt Henke

There is also information about Switzerland: “Broadcom’s business and Bitcoin use assets with high volatility in the deposit within the trading center,” he warns. Dennoch sei der Anteil dieser volatilen Positionen am Gesamtdepot überschaubar.

Aktienchart Broadcom for one year.

Aktienchart Broadcom for one year.

“Solange die Positionen mit hoher Volatilität nicht ausgebaut werden, bleibt the Risiko also beherrschbar,” he said. Sollten weitere Einzelaktien in Betracht gezogen werden, rät er, nur solche mit geringer Volatilität zu kaufen et vor german breitreut zu investeren. This is how we invest in the change sector, with the aim of creating income, so that there are unprecedented risks and there is strong diversification.

An interesting page is that of the benchmark index and portfolio performance which are also available. “As part of the diversification of market regions, the MSCI World is a well-developed benchmark, when the US market is at this point,” says Henke.

The risk is excessive

Insgesamt sei das Risiko überschaubar. “Diversification is possible in our future work,” Henke said.

The analyst takes care of the ergänzungen im Portfolio nachzudenken. “The values ​​of the fallen metals are available in an ETF auf Anleihen sinnvoll sein. Damit könnte das Depot weiter diversifiziert werden“, erläutert er. A gold ETF is also an interesting alternative.

Are there any investments in the portfolio, what does Henke have for an überflussig stay? “Im Augenblick nicht,” he said.

These three tips give Henke dem Anleger auf den Weg

  1. “We have contracts with aufnehmen companies, um die Diversifikation zu erhöhen. » Thanks to this diversification, you will be able to orient yourself over time in product markets in a stable and efficient manner in other sectors of activity.
  2. “Einzelaktien mit geringer Volatilität bevorzugen. » The action against volatility and the consequences for high prices has been regulated, because it is in the stable regime of returns.
  3. “The assets in the deposit cannot be allocated in such a way that the risk comes to an end. » A correlation relationship is carried out in the following way, so that the transfer of energy from the different solutions takes place in one way or another. Dies hilft, das Risiko zu reduzieren.

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