
GZSZ Vorschau: New Details über Gerners unbekannten Sohn enthüllt

GZSZ Vorschau: New Details über Gerners unbekannten Sohn enthüllt

Jo Gerner erfährt, dass er vor vielen Jahren Zwillinge gezeugt hat. Matilda knows she’s there. Do you want to hear Sohn Julian in the RTL series?


An article from

Édouard Ebel

Jo Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) was killed first, there is yet another Sohn hat.

Jo Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) was killed first, there is yet another Sohn hat.

RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

While Jo Gerner quickly has three years to go this night, she met Matilda (Anna-Katharina Fecher) in Berlin until closing time. With Erfolg! Young Anwältin has a new job as Katrin Flemming’s (Ulrike Frank) event agent.