
China Best Ausweisung von VW-Manager at Kokain-Konsums

China Best Ausweisung von VW-Manager at Kokain-Konsums

China is responsible for a director of Volkswagen who has the best board of directors. The man is responsible for security for the holidays, and the main interpreter Lin Jian in Beijing. Danach sei er wegen Konsums von Kokain nach Deutschland ausgewiesen wordsen. More details nannte Lin nicht.

Volkswagen is the best in the Fall and there are no warnings, but there are a few warnings and dates that are not left behind. The Top-Manager will have more responsibilities for two wives of an entrepreneur in Thailand.

Check out the “Bild”-Zeitung darüber berichtet. Nach eigenen im Internet einsehbaren Angaben war der Mann seit etwas mehr als deuxwei Jahren für VW in der Volksrepublik.

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The manager Hagen Decker offers videos for the artists: with Jennifer Rostock and Tim Bendzko, videos for the Echo named. Today and the Berliner John Cook attacks Kokain and other Drogen, half a million euros in anticipation.

Drogenkonsum wird en China Hart Bestraft

In China, there is a positive risk for cannabis and Kokain – Drogen, which is illegal in China. In Thailand, as in Germany, Darf Man Cannabis mittlerweile konsumieren.

For the Chinese authorities, I say that I need Rolle, from the regional community, governed by the Land Drogenkonsum, and if not in China. Warum der Manager getsestet wurde, blieb jedoch offen.

When the time comes to pass, the Volkswagen has a problem. In China, the global automobile market has Wolfsburger in its Chinese store at the same time as the electric automobile agency with a large absence until the background. When it comes to the Konzern, a Lösung für seinen umstrittenen Standort in the West Chinese Province of Xinjiang zu finden, den er mit Chinas staatlichem Autobauer Saic betreibt. (dpa)