
A volume of alcohol consumed by a ladrón écondido between the matorrales for a day in Torrevieja

A volume of alcohol consumed by a ladrón écondido between the matorrales for a day in Torrevieja

Guardia Civil agents arrested a man on suspicion of involvement in the robot and rear fire of an establishment in Torrevieja (Alicante). The arrest, which was introduced into prison by court order, was located in the local arrest measures against the objects.

They succumbed during the course on October 14, when the armed institute received notice that it had declared a fire in a business. A patrol serving the Puesto Principal de Torrevieja quickly moved to the location, where they realized that the fire had spread and been extinguished. in permanent living conditions and other business transactions.

The door of the establishment is open and inside, although it encounters various arduous traps, informed the Guardia Civil in a statement. Before the seriousness of the situation, the agents activate the necessary security measures and alert the municipality’s bomber fleet, so that they are effective at the location.

During a first inspection, the Guardia Civil understood that no people were inside the establishment. Without embargo, observe that una open window is openhere is what levantó sospechas.

Right now, follow a reguero of alcoholic liquid From the window and located in an adult who remained between a matorrale during the interventions. There are items stolen from this premises and which were kept in bags and sacks of basura, which were then intervened and returned to your owner.

The man, 35 years old and with history of crimes against propertyhe was arrested just like the supposed author of a robot crime with force in the circumstances and others by the incendio caused in the immutable.