
Migration – Factory of Poland vorübergehende Aussetzung des Asylrechts – Politik

Migration – Factory of Poland vorübergehende Aussetzung des Asylrechts – Politik

Warschau (dpa) – Poland will die illegally due to immigration and the right to asylum. One element of the new migration strategy was led by the head of the liberal-conservative government Donald Tusk from the local PAP agent in Warsaw. “I am listening to this study in Europe. » The details are not up to par.

Within a party of Tusk’s Bürgerkoalition (KO), 100% state control led to victories in regional Poland and the EU-Mitgliedstaat einreise. He turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to help migrants enter their countries. Dies stehe “im Widerspruch zum Wesen des Rechts auf Asyl”.

“We will reduce illegal migration to Poland to a minimum,” Tusk said. The new migration strategy will be the day on the Kabinetts’ calendar. Within the framework of the EU Migration Package, on the right, European ideas are respected or harmonized with the world, security within the Landes is respected. However, it is not possible to do so.

During the Donnerstag, Austrian Polish Minister Radoslaw Sikorski pledged that Poland would be better protected against visa sanctions. We know that this is the undurchsichtigen Wege für die beschleunigte Erteilung eines Visums mehr geben, dit Sikorski. EU and NATO Poland is entitled to the consequence of a corrupt visa government practice under the Ministry of National Conservation of the PiS brothers, registered in the Land from 2015 to 2023.

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