
JP Morgan Chase & Co. with investment advice: overweight rating for Deutsche Telekom-Aktie | 14.10.24

JP Morgan Chase & Co. with investment advice: overweight rating for Deutsche Telekom-Aktie | 14.10.24

The American bank JPMorgan has launched an initiative for Deutsche Telekom on the capital-intensive Bonner auf “Overweight” market with a price of 41 euros. The Investor Agency was appointed by Kurstreiber Geliefert, and analyst Akhil Dattani was named in a prospective study of Mt.

Aktien information in the topic: The company Deutsche Telekom was analyzed by the company JP Morgan Chase & Co.

The Deutsche Telekom paper came out at 11:03 a.m. and arrived in XETRA trading at 1.1 percent at a price of 27.44 EUR. Somit hat die Aktie noch has aufwärtspotenzial von 49.42 Prozent gerechnet zum ausgegebenen Kursziel. Das Handelsvolumen believe sich zuletzt auf 653’017 Deutsche Telekom-Aktien. The early 2024s start at 30.6 percent. The next Bilanzvorlage will take place on 14.11.2024.

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyzer) / Editorial

Release of the Original Study: 14.10.2024 / 01:46 / BST
First publication of the original study: 14.10.2024 / 01:46 / BST

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