
Current research for the new Mobilfunkstandard 6G

Current research for the new Mobilfunkstandard 6G

With autonomous robots, autonomous devices or Zwilling digital devices – all these high-tech application games with the new Mobilfunkstandard 6G a wesentliche Rolle. Die ersten kommerziellen 6G-Netze sollen ab 2030 verfügbar sein. Researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and TU Dresden participated in the 6G-Life initiative and the 6G Zukunftslabor Bayern of fundamental mechanisms of the second generation of mobile functions. This is a complete communication system with built-in components, which are available from German start-ups. Further projects are underway here. Die Forschenden stehen gern für Interviews zur Verfügung.

Während bei 5G die Kommunikation zwischen Maschinen im Vordergrund steht, soll bei 6G der Mensch et seine Kommunikation and Interaktion mit Maschinen et virtuallyn Welten in the Mittelpunkt rücken. The research from TUM and TU Dresden offers several basic themes: How is communication most effective? How are the private sectors managed and managed? How can we maximize efforts in critical applications in industry and medicine? And how is the development of digital communication?

The 6G-life and 6G Zukunftslabor Bayern projects have shown great promise, with Germany being an early player in exploring 6G technology. The TUM has more than 30 professionals and initiatives focused on the following themes: