
Schlussglocke: Dow Jones and S&P 500 with Rekord – JPMorgan and Wells Fargo in the lead, Tesla in the lead

Schlussglocke: Dow Jones and S&P 500 with Rekord – JPMorgan and Wells Fargo in the lead, Tesla in the lead

Dank eines vielversprechenden Auftakts in the Berichtssaison haben die US-Börsen am Freitag ihren Rekordlauf wieder aufgenommen. The Dow Jones and the S&P 500 are also the best markets. The Nasdaq 100 kam dagegen kaum vom Fleck, nachdem die den hohen Erwartungen nicht gerecht gewordene Robotaxi-Vorstellung des Elektroautobauers Tesla belastete.

The Dow Jones is calculated at 0.97 per cent at 42,864 per cent. The S&P 500 is rising within 5,815 points. For the Nasdaq 100, the rate is set at 0.15 percent on 20.272 points upon arrival.

DowJones opposite
(WKN: 969420)

Die Erzeugerpreise boten derweil Licht und Schatten, denn sie waren im September im Vergleich zum August zwar stabil geblieben. Erwartet worden war ein leichter Anstieg. Im Jahresvergleich dagegen legten sie etwas stärker als erwartet zu.

“Neben den derwartet starken Arbeitsmarktdaten deuten die Daten darauf hin, dass non wenige Fed-Vertreter es bereuen könnten, ihren Lockerungszyklus mit an größeren Zinssenkung un 0.50 Prozentpunkte zu haben,” comments Paul Ashworth, head of Volkswirt Nordamerika bei Capital nocmiques. I am looking for November nonn mit einer Zinssenkung um 0.25 Prozentpunkte. The University of Michigan has issued consumer sentiment for the month of October, which points to employment opportunities.

Tesla commits to Linie

Tesla gained about 8.8 percent on Nasdaq-Ende. Team leader Elon Musk is expected to take care of the production of the robots with the name “Cybercab” before the start of 2026. Even though it’s a little snowy, it’s optimistic about the current plans. The Cybercab also costs $30,000. It’s a single piece of software for an autonomous vehicle, without humans being able to do it, for years in Texas and California in the current Model 3 and Model Y.

The event Deutsche Bank analyst Edison Yu – and other investors – are throwing is a “big party”. Then you will see the Electric Automation in the Autonomy and Humanoid Robots operate within the world, then you will be able to take part in the Mangel and Details and the next day of the Cybercab-Demofahrt. Dass die Aktie daher under Druck geraten ist, überraschte ihn nicht. Derweil took advantage of Uber and Lyft taxi drivers for a change of Tesla-Anleger: Ihre Anteilscheine zogen um jewels rund zehn Prozent an.

Starker Auftakt des Banks

Positive results within the financial sector: it is better that the dollar exchange rates are raised by the major American bank JPMorgan in the Dow at a price more than 4.4 percent. For all investment banking services for positive management. Unpredictable handling of the rain can cause the deutlich erhöhten Rückstellungen für mögliche Kreditausfälle wetter. Davon took advantage of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley with jewelry and was more than two percent. Citigroup reached 3.6 percent and Bank of America reached 5.0 percent.

JPMorgan Chase
(WKN: 850628)

Advice from Wells Fargo and Bank of New York Mellon branches is also present in a positive response. For Wells Fargo, the price is set at 5.7 percent each time. Bank of New York Mellon commits to a lower and lower exchange rate and achieves 0.6 percent each time.

Wells Fargo
(WKN: 857949)

Blackrock at Allzeithoch

Blackrock’s paper fell well and fell to 3.6 percent. Young Kursrally came out with just one Rekordhoch gekrönt. This letter lasts for three years. The global company reached an average price of $221 billion over the past year – the total value reached $11.5 billion.

(WKN: A40PW4)

With hardware from dpa-AFX

Notes on the conference of interest
The Vorstand der Herausgeberin Börsenmedien AG, Herr Leon Müller, est unmittelbar et mittelbar Positionen über die in der Publikation angelprochenen nachfolgenden Finanzinstrumente oder hierauf bezogene Derivate eingegangen, die durch die Publication etwaig resultierenden Kursentwicklung profitieren können: Tesla.