
Hacia a “constitutional” tirania – Grupo Milenio

Hacia a “constitutional” tirania – Grupo Milenio

Mexico City /

Officialism wants constitutional reforms to pergeñe sean unassailable by the Poder Judicial de la Federación: you will have the opportunity to propose modifications to four articles, but in a commitment of great “generosity”, renouncing the despedazar el Primero, which ampara los derechos humanos and access to justice derived from firm conventions by the Mexican State to manufacture extraordinary functions which leads to a descarada “constitutional” tiranía.

Adán Augusto López told Ciro Gómez Leyva that the “guarantee” not to give him “the principles” that Morena pregona, but the pressure social, specialists and what the opposition exhibió la salvajada which implies his pretension.

With this “favor”, without embargo, do not ignore the other modifications that we plan for chatarrizar la justice and energize the separation and balance of the Three Poderes.

The reform which must be unassailable as long as the legislative process is like any other reform.

Temen lo que en rigor proceeds: que la Suprema Corte de Justicia eche para atrás la Peligrosa et regresiva reforma al Poder Judicial heredada de López Obrador.

Your initiative is an implicit recognition of what the Corte has its faculties to revise its reform and I know that es perfectly proceeded to declare it unconstitutionalbecause it hit the country in a serious constitutional crisis but, like in pants, between more people.

The essence of the new reform, eufemistically called “in matters of impugnability of constitutional reforms”, is protected by everyone. pending, as the requirement of the 5 co recommendation cards to be a minister.

With your project, you claim to impose your hand on the maximum court by violating the fundamental principles of the Constitution which are based on the constitutional and democratic state of law.

Laws are created to govern the future after its publication based on its vigilance, but not in the past (principle dedicated to the irretroactivity of the law, stipulated in article 14 and in the conventional instruments).

This reform violates this principle, because it does not want this to be the subject of all the impuggnacions in contradiction with the constitutional reform.

Serious and engañoso lo que dice Adán Augusto when he affirmed that the propuesta will be circunscribirá to the judiciary, because the rules are of general application You are not responsible for it. This reform applies to everyone, not just the judiciary.

Dicho of the other mode: if in the future (immediately included) the Constitution is modified to allow presidential re-election or is available as legal torture or the death penalty for those who are in contradiction with the government, barbarism cannot be attacked neither legally nor constitutionally by an amparo, a constitutional controversy or an action of unconstitutionality.

Parapetados en que lo que hacen es “this is what decided the village”delatan a large dose of irresponsibility, ignorance and cobardía…