
Zeus Arc GT3 – Complete high-end vaporizer with gold details – RTL Online

Zeus Arc GT3 – Complete high-end vaporizer with gold details – RTL Online

In a newspaper, in the discussion on the legalization of cannabis in Germany, an article on the subject, the vaporizer will be published in a publication. The Zeus Arc GT3 is sold as a Premium product in this nearby market. Do you know what the Erwartungen erfüllen?

The Zeus Arc GT3 is a working vaporizer for pets, due to its compact design and high quality workmanship. It is very important to meet Nutzer’s request, which is based on quality and reading. Allerdings stellt sich die Frage, ob der hohe Price von ca. 260 euros are charged and the sale price for all groups of nuts is 260 euros.

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3

  • Product Name: Zeus Arc GT3
  • Ziel Group: Erfahrene Vaporizer-Nutzer and Cannabis-Enthusiasten. Die Komplexität einiger Funktionen könnte Einsteiger überfordern.
  • Technical dates:
    • Heating system: Konduktion
    • Hardware Compatibility: Available Trockene Kräuter
    • Full chamber capacity: 0.3g
    • Temperature: 205°C, 215°C, 225°C
    • Battery: 3500 mAh, approx. 90 minutes Nutzungsdauer
    • Dimensions: 87 x 42 x 23 mm
    • Weight: 105g

    The quality of the aluminum is very high, and it is important to note that the aluminum alloy has a high angle. The use of zirconium oxide ceramics and medical plastic for objects in the world has positive and positive aspects.

  • Own properties:
    • GoldSink™ Technology: Vergoldete chamber and moisture path are resolved for optimal use of hot water and wastewater. In practice, there is a sweet spot for moisture wicking, allergies are the effects of exposure to the most subtle spray models.
    • ArcPods System: Les Kapseln erleichtern wiederverwendbaren erleichtern die Handhabung und Reinigung erheblich. Allerdings könnte die Nutzung ceser Pods langfristig zusätzliche Kosten verursachen.
    • Xtruder compatibility: The automatic commissioning of ArcPods is innovative, it is so well in practice that it is time consuming and is not immersed in the process.
  • Alternative products:The Mighty+ from Storz & Bickel (approx. €299) is available for the Zeus Arc GT3 with preset temperature regulation from 40°C to 210°C and support for charging during nuts. Seine Hybrid-Heiztechnology (Conduktion and Konvektion) technology provides optimal humidity quality. Allerdings is the larger Mighty+ deutlich and a new disc like the Zeus Arc GT3.

    The Utillian 722 (around €219) is presented as an expensive alternative with an automatic convection system. There are several variable temperatures and a Boost mode, which is more flexible in the implementation of the Zeus Arc GT3. Zudem is a tool for cakes as well as the convention center. The time spent at 60 minutes is as good as the Zeus Arc GT3.

    The DaVinci IQ2 (around €269) is available thanks to its temperature control and Bluetooth connectivity. Sein keramischer Dampfpfad und die integrierten Dosierkapseln sprechen Nutzer an, die besonderen Wert auf Geschmack legen. I’m willing to use the Zeus Arc GT3 to get more control over operations, but it’s also been used in repair.

    This alternative is that of the Zeus Arc GT3 in a coherent market segment. Jedes Gerät hat seine eigenen Stärken, et die Wahl hängt letztendlich von den individunn Präferenzen et Anforderungen des Nutzers ab.

Be sure and enjoy the Zeus Arc GT3 Tragbare vaporizer in the TVape online store!

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3

Product testing

The Zeus Arc GT3 on Herz and Nieren zu Prüfen I had to do an intensive test of a woman. Dabei lag der Fokus auf Alltagstauglichkeit, Dampfqualität et Benutzerfreundlichkeit.

Test criteria:

  • Packing and delivery
  • Verarbeitung et Materialqualität
  • Bedienung and operating instructions
  • Temperature and temperature constancy
  • Moisture quality and humidity
  • Effizienz der Kräuternutzung
  • Akkulaufzeit and Ladegeschwindigkeit
  • Reinigung and Wartung
  • Portability and floppy disk
  • Zubehör and Erweiterbarkeit

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3

Ablauf: The test was carried out over the past years, which led me to work in different social conditions – at home, on the streets and in the most diverse social situations. I tested all three temperature levels and used the ArcPods and also lost milk in the chamber. Please note that the Akkulaufzeittests durch et prüfte die Reinigungsmöglichkeiten.

Unpacking: The Zeus Arc GT3 comes in a black, high-quality box. Das Gerät ist in Schaumstoff gebettet and macht soforte einen soliden Eindruck. I’m happy to find the vaporizer with a USB-C cable, 15 ArcPods, 45 decks, a repair shop, and a reliable user manual. The packaging is recycled, but it has a positive impact on the packaging.

Facility: The integration of the Zeus Arc GT3 is not complete. Nach dem Aufladen ist the Gerät sofort einsatzbereit. One-button operation is intuitive and provides access to all useful functions.

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3

Testverlauf and Testergebnis:

In der Praxis überzeugt der Zeus Arc GT3 trough seine kompakte Bauweise et hochwertige Verarbeitung. The eloxierte aluminum house is so efficient and robust that it is designed for household appliances. GoldSink technology, designed for high quality installation, was so positive in moisture quality.

Die Aufheizzeit von 80 Sekunden ist im Vergleich zu einigen Konkurrenzprodukten etwas long, but noch im acceptablen Bereich. The three desired temperature levels (205°C, 215°C, 225°C) have good bandwidth for extreme values, which is the recommended temperature setting method.

The quality of moisture is inserted into the intestine, with dichtem and geschmackvollem Dampf, auf den niedrigeren Temperaturstufen. However, the last thing you know about the damper was that it was there, but there were even longer Kühlwegs that could be damaged.

The ArcPods system is also convenient for travel because handling is done and reinstallation is minimized. Allergies are mentioned in an in-depth study of the effectiveness of Kräuter pod and loser nutrition directly in the bedroom.

The akkulaufzeit von etwa 90 Minuten entspricht den Herstellerangaben et reicht für mehrere Sitzungen. The USB-C-Schnellladefunktion function is a big plus, so that the device is within easy reach.

Reordering is very effective for relatively simple maintenance jobs, meaning the ArcPods setup for reinstallation is smaller. Allerdings erfordert das Entfernen des Mundstücks zur gründlichen Reinigung ein separate Werkzeug, was etwas umständlich ist.

In the Portability and Diskretion of the Zeus Arc GT3. Its compact size and unique design are perfect for an ideal layout for paths. Haptic feedback through vibration happens quickly, because it’s a hard drive without any standard visual verification.

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3

Personal impression:

Nach einer Woche intensifier Nutzung bin ich vom Zeus Arc GT3 größtenteils überzeugt. The maintenance and moisture quality are perfect and the entire design is perfect for a travel-friendly craftsman. Allergies are also einige Punkte, die Verbesserungspotenzial aufweisen.

“The handling of ArcPods is very convenient, it depends on the man who uses it so far,” he says during the tests. “The specifications allow me to achieve greater flexibility in temperature regulation. »

Another tester commented: “Moisture quality is applied, but for prolonged periods food is hot. A long way from Kühlweg would be here von Vorteil.

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3

Description of Marke Zeus Arsenal

Zeus Arsenal is an innovative manufacturer of premium vaporizers. Das Kanadische Unternehmen arbeitet eng mit deutschen Ingenieuren zusammen, um Product zu entwickeln, die den Anforderungen anspruchsvoller Nutzer gerecht werden.

General information: Zeus Arsenal arrived in Canada and was named by a player specialized in the Vaporizer branch. Die Zusammenarbeit mit deutschen Ingenieuren takes care of quality and innovation.

Learning and philosophy: Zeus Arsenal has gained in quality, safety and innovation. Die Entwicklung ihrer Product based on Realem Nutzerfeedback, was sich in der durchdachten Gestaltung ihrer Vaporizerwidespiegelt.

Product range: Neben dem Zeus Arc GT3 offers other vaporizer models like the Zeus Arc S as well as various devices like the Zeus Xtruder and the ArcPods.

Applications / Technology: GoldSink technology is a foundational core of Zeus Arsenal, enabling your products to be realized for a complete enterprise. And the Xtruder, a complete automatic system for ArcPods, is an innovative solution for businesses.

Reputation: Zeus Arsenal has created good value for money for the quality and training of its products. The Zeus Arc GT3 has been extensively tested and is one of the best used vaporizers on the market.

Support and Warranty: The company offers umfassenden customer support and offers a 3-year warranty on hardware components, has been the Vertrauen in die Langlebigkeit ihrer Product unterstreicht.

Zeus Arc GT3Zeus Arc GT3


The Zeus Arc GT3 is presented as a high-end and complete vaporizer, which is very useful. Seine Stärken liegen eindeutig in der exzelnten Verarbeitung, der guten Dampffqualität et dem durchdachten Design für den mobilen Einsatz. GoldSink technology and the ArcPods system have innovative features that deliver positive results.

The information offered is also available in Schwachstellen: Die fehlende präzise Temperaturkontrolle et die etwas komplexe Bedienung über nur einen Knopf könnten für handle Nutzer ein Nachteil sein. Zudem ist der Preis von ca. At 260 euros compared to that time, the Zeus Arc GT3 was for all nut users very attractive, but undoubtedly for the quality and innovation of the company.

I offer configuration products such as the Mighty+ or the DaVinci IQ2, positioned by the Zeus Arc GT3 in portability and humidity quality conditions. You may have some flexibility during operations.

Insgesamt sich the Zeus Arc GT3 besonders for Nutzer, die einen hochwertigen, diskreten et effizienten Vaporizer pour ces usages et Wert auf einfache Handhabung legen. Einsteiger and Gelegenheitsnutzer sollten jedoch den hohen Prices et die eingeschränkten Einstellungsmöglichkeiten berücksichtigen.

A manufacturing tool can be used for the most efficient vaporizer nuts, the advantages of complete designs and innovative features zu schätzen wissen. Für Einsteiger or preisbewusste Käufer könnten jedoch günstigere Alternativen mit more Einstellungsmöglichkeiten interessanter sein.

Be sure and enjoy the Zeus Arc GT3 Tragbare vaporizer in the TVape online store!