
Sáenz sends draft law on jury rights to MPs | Will be used for the disposal of grave sites

Sáenz sends draft law on jury rights to MPs | Will be used for the disposal of grave sites

Finally, the governor of Salta, Gustavo Saenz, send to the House of Representatives of Juror Justice Bill for Serious Crimes. In this way, the provincial executive provides an impetus that could be decisive for the application of popular juries, provided for in the Argentine Constitution.

The Salé government ensures that this initiative responds to a mayor’s citizen demand for transparency in the administration of criminal justice. It was said that this was done in part “with the publicity of the judges”, but by ensuring that “its mode of operation is complete when the people are integrated into the judicial activity participating as jurors”.

The bill presented by the provincial executive establishes that the Jurado “will be integrated with doce (12) titular members and four (4) substitutes”, its composition must respect an equivalence between the female gender and the male gender. “The gender of the participants will be taken into account by your Documento Nacional de Identidad”add the square item.

The judges of the juries must carry out the judicial circumscription in that they will receive the criminal. Participation on a jury is a public office for Argentine or naturalized people aged 18 to 75 who must read and write.

The Corte de Justicia de Salta is created for the institution of the judge of juries. In 2019, a project was launched under the constitutional mandate, according to which provinces must implement the judgment of jurors. This is in our Constitution of 53 and was reaffirmed in 1994, recorded in Salta/12 by the Vice President of the Court. of Justice, Fabian Vittar.

This year, the last of the management of the ex-governor Juan Manuel Urtubeythe Corte hizo “a pre-proyecto de juicio por juradas en el marco del Consejo Consultivo Judicial which exists at the moment”. It focused on the government and on this basis a bill which was developed by the Senate.

This project was lost as a parliamentarian, “But it was rescued” in another initiative of the senators Jorge Soto and Javier Monicawho “will take the idea and build a new project which is pending legislative discussion and in general also discussion with society because we are we have initiated this discussion to see if it is implemented or not”, added Corte’s game.

Simulations for knowledge

For three years, during a meeting with the Ministry of Education, the Judicial School has brought a mock judgment by a lawyer. That year, it took place in August, with the participation of five-year students from five secondary colleges in the Capital Department, who assume the roles of judges, tax, defense, imputation and testing, for assume the judge’s stage distinctions, as Fue on a homicide case.

Dando cuenta del apoyo has this initiative, the president of the Corte de Justicia, Teresa Ovejero Cornejoencabezó, junto a Vittar and the game Eduardo Barrionuevo, This is a simulation that took place at the Escuela de la Magistratura. It is a participatory representation of students from the schools Mother María Sara Lona, Nuestra Señora del Huerto, San Cayetano de Vaqueros, Instituto Laura Vicuña and Santa Isabel de Hungría who were assisted for players who have the capacity to assume their roles.

Vittar (extrema derecha) with jurado.

We said that this simulacrum was part of the company’s orientation program, in schools. And, he said, “just, for introduce the idea that justice resides in the pueblo”this concept is in the Argentine Constitution, “the tome of the North American, because it is the essence of the republican system of government”. The basis for the existence of juries by popular juries is that the real power resides in the village, he insisted.

It was noted that “one of the main opposites of your always (this initiative) is that many or some maintain that the salty society is not prepared to be legal. You are absolutely creative on the contrary, that we have civic training which allows us to do“There is also no discussion that popular appreciation and common sentiment are sufficient to determine a person’s guilt,” he added.

“The only one that decides the juror is guilt or not guilty, after examining the evidence.” The technician follows the course of a game, which determines the amount of the penalty, Corte explains the game.

A civic exercise

Vittar considered “interesting” this simulacrum “because it is interested in the justice of the chicos who are strongly in contact with the city life”. A college must be a defender; other, from fiscal; others play games and two colleges, each with their former students, study law. These students do not know the case. Previously, all are capable of playing, of learning the roles of taxation, of defense, “how to maintain the process”.

The juror, in deliberation.

The one who decides whether someone is guilty or not”It’s a very interesting civic exercise.”is “tan impactful” that you have done to do with the students of the last year of the legal career of the Catholic University of Salta, continued.

The court has already thought about making a practice with periodicals as part of a lawyer, from where a group of graduates represents taxation, a group of senators is in charge of the defense, the lawyers of the matrícula are the judges. The idea has been there for a year.

Experience in other provinces

The provincial government informs that, at that time, the provinces established this model of enjoyment: Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Neuquén, San Juan, Chaco, Mendoza, Río Negro, Entre Ríos, Chubut, Catamarca, the autonomous city of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe.

We said that the games where the popular jurors were “delighted” with how they worked. “Han tenido muchas causas muy resonantes resueltas por juicios por jurados, Chaco, for example” that “there is a popular right for causes produced by ethnic groups“, a sexual abuse that occurred in a community of Qom was judged by jurors of this village, detailed. “In Córdoba, in Mendoza, in the province of Buenos Aires, in Chaco, this works perfectly for this type of cause”, so well “no son la mayoría”, if no only the delitos tombs, minetras that the resto siendo siendo juzgado por jueces técnicos.

The court said that in Córdoba, the first time to put professional judges into practice, “there are more than 800 sentences of popular judges, and it seems to me that this is a moment to discuss in depth in Salta what is happening“.

“The law provides suitable procedures to be able to help him,” Vittar said. Some screens that can be approved and “do something to reform the Penal Code and include here, other screens that suffice with the parameters of the law”. “Son ajustes legislativos normativos que hay que hacer y estamos a disposición de la Legislatura” para bring technical knowledge, ofreció.

Hay that making the decision is a decision of everything, a state policy more than a decision of a power” en que tienen que estar involucradas la administración de justice, la Legislatura y el gobierno, sostuvo Vittar.