
IWF – IWF Day: »Kenia braucht einen Schuldenerlass«

IWF – IWF Day: »Kenia braucht einen Schuldenerlass«

IWF wages war on Gen Z protests in June and July in Kenya.

IWF wages war on Gen Z protests in June and July in Kenya.

Photo: IMAGO/Zumapress/Boniface Muthoni

Im Juni and Juli protested against Generation Z, Die Zwischen Den Jahren 1995 et 2010 Geborenen, In Kenya, the international retirement savings fund Geforderten Steuererhöhungen is created. After more than 50 Toten by police repression, the Regierung die Erhöhung zurück. Is the study of Kenia a theme of the Herbal Conference?

Yes, the scholarship in Kenya is for the International Environmental Protection Fund (IWF) and World Bank large-scale financing organization. Kenias Probleme mit dem Schuldendienst est durch die vom IWF empfohlenen Sparmaßnahmen noch verschärft worden. Even though Kenya in Washington is not the focal point of discussions, it is a central theme of debate in European countries.

Does the IWF support the victims of the protests?

Not directly, it is about the purchase of spare parts, which extends to a credit amount exceeding 3.6 billion dollars, a good roll. These masses experienced the disunity of the offensive, the Auslöste protest and the confrontation with government policies. Somit hat the Politik of IWF zu dem wirtschaftlichen Druck beigetragen, der die Proteste mit den Toten ausgelöst hat.

Is Generation Z, the protest, making itself heard by the Rücknahme der Steuererhöhung besänftigt?

But Gen Z isn’t here yet. The risks of the nursing home had to be reduced to some frustration, but the risk of frustration is because the loss of employment, the cost of human resources and the expenses of investing in the political system do not cannot be avoided. Bewegungen wie #RutoMustGo (President Willam Ruto soll abtreten, d. Red.) spiegeln aine tief sitzende Unzufriedenheit broader, die über eine einzelne politische Veränderung hinausgeht.

How can Kenya have an effective last yield?

Kenia a un vielschichtigen Ansatz, un seine Schuldenlast in den Griff zu bekommen. The corruption and the destruction of the Miss and Vetternwirtschaft are not applicable. Kenya must be part of the University, the Schaffung von wertschöpfenden Industrien and the Stärkung der Nahrungsmittel- und Energiesouveränität konzentrieren. Implementing economic planning and residential planning and focusing within a better progressive strategy – security, the habits of your guests before arrival – is a strategic strategy.



Mohamed Almas This is the National Debt Coordinator for the Kenya Climate Movement. These are the coordination of political judicial practices and the construction of buildings for the supervision of national education, residential planning and air conditioning.

Is Braucht Kenia a protective bracelet?

Yes, Kenia wants to enjoy a professional life. The HIPC Initiative (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries – Heavily Indebted Poor Countries – Hochverschuldete Arme Länder) has spoken out against the Länder, but it is true that more and more fortified writings are also infrages of Länder einkommensschwachen, which express the current situation of poverty. The HIPC program, for the 39 Länder until October 2021, targets not only the new member states, but also new initiatives such as the Multilateral Education Initiative (MDRI) in Kenya, which is also aimed at the Länder in favor of assistance. n HIPC- Prozess bereits abgeschlossen hatten.

Nichtsdestotrotz ist Kenias Verschuldung enorm hoch, ou?

Ja. However, Kenya is not one of these war initiatives, but it is a very serious problem, from the state school as part of the gross product of the country, in January 2024, there is 70 percent. The situation is due to credit for infrastructure projects and external shocks like the Covid-19 pandemic and global inflation. The venture capital protection societies of the other states had the opportunity, with regard to the liberalization of mutual aid, to ensure that Kenya went to the social protection organizations of the IWF and the World Bank, which often have retirement savings services, of the Unmut der Bevölkerung geschürt haben.

Has Kenya benefited from the DSSI and the G20 moratorium on the response to the Corona pandemic?

Ja. The global time regulation rules, such as the G20 DSSI and the common rules for the management of Schulden, are only one avant-garde approach, but do not have the responsibility of the Schuldenerlass, of Kenia braucht. The Angesichts der zunehmenden Schuldenlast und damit verbundenen sozialen et wirtschaftlichen Drucks est dans le Zeit, international financial institutions and credit organizations have new solutions in education, comprehensive integration and protection. Der Fall Kenias zeigt, dass wir über die traditionellen Entschuldungsmechanismen hinausgehen müssen, um die sich überschneidenden Herausforderungen der Schuldentragfähigkeit et der Klimagerechtigkeit anzugehen.

Germany is the largest contractor in the IWF. Does the Deutsche Regierung ernsthaft für einen Schuldenerlass ein?

Germany has established itself, inseparable from the persönlichkeiten like Deborah Düring, a Bundestagsabgeordnete der Green and a Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Ausschusses, active for the protection of guilty children. Meanwhile, the Gläubiger soldier in den Schuldenerlass einzubeziehen is able to ensure the safety of a strict security port. This foresight and their general commitment to the organization of a transparent and multilateral architecture is an architecture of multilateral architecture sind ein Zeichen dafür, Germany is for effective integration and child protection mechanisms.

Is this the mission of Generation Z and the IWF?

Generation Z has a protective daughter, the abschaffung von Sparmaßnahmen and a abkehr von der neoliberal politik, the Kenias Wirtschaftswachstum abgewürgt hat. Außerdem fordert sie un nachhaltigeres und gerechteres Finanzsystem, la Gemeinwohl Vorrang vor dem Schuldendienst einräumt. Debt for Climate (D4C), a network of businesses from the global South, which deals with the management of global affairs of the North, has had these programs with new programs of management of the global economy and sovereignty sovereign in Africa. Die erdrückenden ungerechtfertigten Schulden des Globalen Südens müssen erlassen werden.