
Skrupellose Kryptomasche: Donald Trump paktiert mit dem “Drecksack des Internets”

Skrupellose Kryptomasche: Donald Trump paktiert mit dem “Drecksack des Internets”

Skrupellosis Kryptomasche
Donald Trump paktiert with the “Drecksack of the Internets”

Von Hannes Vogel

Next article, Sammelkarten und Truth Social kassiert Donald Trump seine Fans non mit seiner eigenen Krypto-Börse ab. Die Anleger-Falle hat nicht nur zwielichtige Hintermänner. Sondern bedeutet Corruption auf höchster Ebene.

While Donald Trump is in the summer during a Krypto-Mass in Nashville, the “Pro-Bitcoin President” has the right and practice, the United States at the “Krypto-Hauptstadt der Welt” zu machen, this is so that everyone from the Republic with them Auftritt vor allem Wählerstimmen sammeln. In 2019, Bitcoin is now “unregulated,” “very good gambling,” and a one-stop shop for “drug sales and other criminal activity.” The ultra-right tech mogul, like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, has ideas on what to do, with Bitcoin’s big fans being the ex-president about the token scene.

Trump agreed on something else, after using a cryptocurrency bank in a White House and a strategic reserve of Bitcoin. It is clear that the damaux are not within the reach of the monetary potential of the Krypto scene and the income of the American economy in Sinn. Sondern ganz offensichtlich auch seinen eigenen Geldbeutel.

Denn inzwischen is Trump himself auf den Krypto-Zug aufgesprungen, um Geld zu machen. Mit seinen Söhnen has its own launch platform: World Liberty Financial. Die dürfte sich wie die meisten seiner Geschäfte nicht nur als Geldvernichter für die Fans von Make America Great Again (in English: Mach Amerika wieder großartig, Kurz: MAGA) erweisen. With the instigation of Krypto-Business, it is even clearer that Trump is in a financial conflict of interest of the network that is heading into the fall in order not to ensure the revival of American democracy.

Trumps Marsch auf Weiße Haus dient longer nicht nur dazu, ihn vor dem Gefängnis zu bewahren. This is also the case for the edition of the Bible, digital cards (NFT) and the action of the social network Truth Social which aims the ex-president to become an entrepreneur, within the political capital Comeback and current state of affairs.

Two “Krypto-Punks” with bald hands Deals at the White House

If the offense is taken lightly, the New York Times (NYT) is afgedeckt hat. World Liberty Financial executives Chase Herro and Zachary Folkman, two high-ranking executives, died in recent months of a financial crisis. Fast two dutzend companies in Steueroasen, like the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, were established.

This is an online supplier, a true e-commerce expert and has never purchased the “Drecksack”.
of the Internets”. Tagen”. And a month later, a Krypto seminar at the house of Jordan Belfort, the Berüchtigten punter from the “Wolf of Wall Street”.

Folkman has a business name called Date Hotter Girls, among other things under the pseudonym and conversation tips, like the man Frauen in Bars aufreißt. “Ihr werdet ihnen die Klamotten vom Leib reißen und sie gegen die Wand werfen”, versprach er damals en uneinem Seminar. Gemeinsam zogen die beiden in a Luxusvilla in der Karibik and gründeten Firmen, die später wegen Kreditkartenschulden belangt et von ihren Kunden verklagt wurden.

A vermeintlicher management expert and an independent Mistkerl are not only official administration partners, but also US presidents. I think Trump started a digital financial revolution. This means that we have technical knowledge and financial know-how that you have. Neither Trumps Platform nor any other Krypto-Börsen too. But what about the machine, like his Trumps Orbit said: “When the man is at the head of the world, Dass Donald Trump is a decentralized financial project of the last stage, wer hätte es geglaubt?”, Frague Folkman himself when launching the platform. “Besonders mit 2 Krypto-Punks,” the moderator said.

A printing machine with adjustment instructions

“This is a construction building and a protective gel for the years to come,” warns John Reed Stark, one of the Top-Beamter brothers of the US-Börsenaufsicht SEC, in the “NYT”. However, this is not the case: Trumps have nothing to do with democracy. However, if you do, in the Weiße Haus you will be able to sleep and sleep without any problems.

One problem is that the head of state and head of administration of a person of politics and profit does not want Trump to be aware. This first time we have information about the quick and abstract solutions, which are Australian diplomats at the Washingtoner Hotel, in a state office at Mar-A-Lago, who offer free promotion for golf clubs or the investments of billions of Saudis for the hedge funds of Schwiegersohns Jared. more nervous.

Diesmal deutet sich offene Corruption auf höchster Ebene des Staates an. Trump was not the first president of the Middle Kingdom proper, the very heart of Truth Social was learning to do so. Seine Krypto-Börse würde zur Gelddruckmaschine mit Regierungslizenz werden. Now at the Mass in Nashville towards Trump and then in the next century, crypto-kritischen SEC-Chief Gary Gensler is on fire. Sollte Trump die Wahl gewinnen, würde davon nicht nur die amte Branche profitieren, sondern auch seine Own Firma. The American president has his own financial interests and often regulates himself.