
SERAP accuses Tinubu of using DSS as a weapon, wants case dropped

SERAP accuses Tinubu of using DSS as a weapon, wants case dropped

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has accused President Bola Tinubu of using the country’s security agencies to harass Nigerians and human rights groups simply for the peaceful exercise of their basic human rights.

SERAP also argued that the Federal Government should face the challenges of widespread corruption in the oil sector, deteriorating economic situation in the country, reduction in the cost of governance and stop targeting individuals and organizations that advocate reforms in these areas.

The organization, which stated this in an open letter dated October 19, 2024 and signed by its Deputy Director Kolawole Oluwadare, further called on President Tinubu to direct the Department of State Services (DSS) to withdraw immediately the defamation complaint filed by two members of the organization. the DSS against him and his management staff.

SERAP insisted that if the lawsuit is not immediately withdrawn, it will be ready to defend itself in court by joining the government and the DSS and summoning witnesses to ensure justice, end impunity for rights violations and defend legitimate public interests.

The civil society organization claimed that the two DSS officials who filed the complaint were unknown to it and were instigated and sponsored by the DSS to take this action.
He stressed that human rights defenders, activists, journalists and other citizens must be able to organize and freely exercise their human rights without risking baseless prosecution by the government or its security agencies and their agents.

SERAP also stressed that using security agencies as weapons to intimidate, harass and silence human rights defenders, activists, journalists and other civil society actors would weaken representative democracy, reinforce impunity and would undermine the rule of law.

The organization advised that rather than using security agencies to repress human rights defenders, activists, journalists and other civil society actors, the government should investigate thoroughly, independently, impartially, transparent and effective on the allegations raised by him.

SERAP expresses disappointment that government has so far failed to respond to its recommendations, calling on it to order the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) to immediately reverse the illegal and unconstitutional increase in pump price gasoline at its points of sale.

He also accused the government of failing to investigate allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the NNPC, including the spending of the $300 million “bailout funds” collected from the Federal Government in August 2024 and the $6 billion debt it owes to its suppliers, despite allegations of failure to remit oil revenues to the Treasury and prosecute alleged perpetrators.

SERAP states: “Your government also continues to refuse to obey several court rulings obtained by SERAP, including those that ordered the federal government to disclose details of the agreement with agreement is in line with the exercise of Nigerians. ‘ human rights online and to account for payments of N729 billion to 24.3 million poor Nigerians over six months.

“On September 9, 2024, SERAP had also called on you and your government to order the DSS to stop the intimidation and harassment of our organization and our staff members.

“Our call follows the invasion of our Abuja office by some DSS officials. SERAP was subsequently the subject of a defamation suit bearing number CV/4547/24.

“The country under your government has witnessed increasing repression of human rights, particularly the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association and the media, as well as socio-economic rights.

“Judicial harassment against those who peacefully defend human rights is completely inconsistent and inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 (as amended) and the country’s international human rights obligations.

“Under your government, human rights defenders, activists, journalists and other civil society actors, such as leaders of the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC), continue to face harassment, intimidation and arbitrary detention simply for carrying out their legitimate work.

“The judicial harassment against SERAP by your government and its agencies demonstrates hostility towards civil society actors who defend the rights of other citizens, criticize human rights violations and challenge a culture of impunity for the authors.

“SERAP therefore urges your government to put an end to intimidation, harassment and threats against our organization and management staff and other human rights defenders, activists as well as journalists and other civil society actors, including the intimidation, through baseless legal procedures.

“SERAP strives to ensure that our human rights and anti-corruption work meets the highest standards of analytical rigor, devoid of any political dimension. Our work is motivated solely by the fundamental principles of justice, impartiality, solidarity and universality of human rights. SERAP believes that no government escapes scrutiny and accountability.

“SERAP’s non-partisan human rights and anti-corruption work has been widely recognized nationally and internationally. Our organization received the Wole Soyinka Anti-Corruption Advocate Award in 2014 and was nominated for the United Nations Civil Society Award and the Ford Foundation Jubilee Transparency Award. SERAP was also nominated for the 2024 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression Prize.

“Our organization’s appeals to your government regarding the persistent fuel price increases and allegations of corruption in the NNPC are based on your government’s constitutional and international responsibilities to corrupt Nigerians and your constitutional oath.

“SERAP believes that it is through action like this that any government in a society governed by the rule of law can be motivated to respect its commitments and meet the expectations of its citizens in terms of good governance, human rights and the rule of law. .

“SERAP urges your government to embrace the rule of law, which includes respect for the human rights of Nigerians. Where there is a culture of the rule of law, there is likely to be less corruption.

“Without adopting the rule of law, your government is unlikely to achieve its oft-repeated economic and development programs, since the rule of law is the foundation of any civilized society,” SERAP said.