
Reordered by Uniqlo: Der wahre Grund für den Erfolg der Marke

Reordered by Uniqlo: Der wahre Grund für den Erfolg der Marke

Reordered by Uniqlo: Der wahre Grund für den Erfolg der Marke

These Japanese Unknown Uniqlo products are sold at the international markt.
Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

The Uniqlo operating company committed to the following month in an order file, thanks to the strict arrangement of Uniqlo managed by the company.

The Marke konzentriert sich auf funktionale Basics, anstatt Trends Hinterherzulaufen.

Ihr Erfolg wird durch das Vertrauen der Japoner en die Marke gestützt.

Uniqlo is on a good path. The Japanese hat Eigentümer Fast Retailing is in this month to be written in Folge ein Rekordergebnis vorgelegt. The companies initially earned more than three billion yen (19.2 billion euros) and one agent earned more than 500 billion yen (and 3.2 billion euros). That said, the Uniqlo business will take place from August to August in the international market at 19 percent and in Japan at 4.7 percent.

Die Kette flourished in the ecological system of neben Fast-Fashion-Schwergewichten convenience stores like Zara. Dessen Muttergesellschaft verzeichnete im ersten Halbjahr 2024 ainen Umsatzanstieg von 10.2 Prozent bei constanten Wechselkursen verzeichnete. Zara products are sold at 5.4 percent.

The “H&M” group revolves around your Konkurrenten zurück. Your Nettoumsatz stagnates in the first Monaten des Jahres.

Uniqlo has an ergonomic design model, independent and functional, a simple store. This is most often the praxis of Fast-Retail-Konkurrenten, the new retail agency, which presents inspired styles on the market.

Auf der Höhe der Zeit

Uniqlo was established when it was first established in Hiroshima in January 1984. The market is open to advanced bases for the rank of clothing and that of Ziel, a design model within it. In the Jüngster Zeit, companies themselves tend to concentrate. An example is that of the 20 euro pouch, that of the modern standard words and that of the “Birkin of the new winter months” are available.

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In January 2006, the companies joined GU, a Swiss marketplace, to learn more about offering fashionable clothing and targeting young customers.

Men who have already immersed Basics have discovered that the original model of Uniqlo is even more present in the upper management of the zeitgeist and that this is a model of Uniqlo creation which has just been created.

“This is excellent quality for the price”, so Kate Yuille, a 27-year-old, worked for Luxusmode, above the green, her generation (Gen Z) started to get into Uniqlo. “People have ideas, they are considered and are not really an alternative to H&M. »

Uniqlo's $20 crossbody bag has been named one of Lyst's hottest products of 2023.

Uniqlo’s $20 crossbody bag has been named one of Lyst’s hottest products of 2023.

Old and Gen Z combinieren Luxus mit Artikeln mittlerer Marken

Amrita Banta, Managing Director of Luxury Industry Agility Research & Strategy, said that Uniqlos Kollektionen Verbraucher mit unterschiedlichen Preisvorstellungen meets expectations.

Inmitten des Abschwungs im Luxuseinzelhandel erwärmen sich wohlhabende und aufstrebende Verbraucher für die Idee, Designerstücke mit Artikeln mittlerer Marken zu combinieren – a trend, generation Z finds itself in the course of a single month.

“I just said that the Mix-and-Match element is the mode for its function”, so Banta. “A man can have a Moncler however he wants, whenever he wants, and he has a nice beige jacket from Uniqlo – and he can still look after it.”

Auf Nachhaltigkeit setzen

A larger audience of Uniqlo and the best Fast-Fashion companies are the best, the future entrepreneurs, as well as the Basics and functional clothing to describe them, with the “Slow Fashion” -Bewegung in Einklang gebracht wird.

“Aus ökologischer Sicht haben die Verbraucher das Gefühl, this man is so new, when Uniqlo buys, it’s so old unauffälliger ist,” said Martin Roll, a global corporate strategist and senior advisor at McKinsey.

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Das Unternehmen ist in der Vergangenheit nicht von Greenwashing-Vorwürfen or Anschuldigungen wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen entlang seiner Lieferketten verschont geblieben. And obwohl Uniqlo Standard-Kleidung herstellt, product das Unternehmen sehr schnell.

Uniqlo has its own ambitions, nachhaltiger zu werden. Dazu würden more Kleidung aus recycled Materialien gehören, die Einrichtung eines Reparaturstudios für Kleidung and the Ziel, the Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2030 à 90 Prozent zu senken.

Uniqlo finds itself among the technology specialists

Tadashi Yanai, CEO of Uniqlo and head of Fast Retailing, once said, “Uniqlo is a fashion model – it’s a technology model. »

Within the scope of practice, the man of production development and innovation by the company strategy Toray, a materials manufacturer with headquarters in Japan has high-level design work. The curators understood this in their own concerns “of the entwicklung neuer Bereiche et Materialien” and remained “innovative products with similar projects”.

Yanai published “The Telegraph” in 2016, which is not interested in Zyklus der Modetrends sticking to the background: “We have beautiful outfits for all men, but not just one. »

Aussem Grund brings new Uniqlo seasonal collections to collections such as Zara and 500 new product designs. Martin Roll said Zara “jeden Tag scharf” was doing it. “Uniqlo hat doesn’t have any good looks. »

Die Macht des Japanischen Markenvertrauens

Japanese Switzerland offers products for Uniqlo in Japan and nearby international markets. They are perfect for tourists in the historic market and attract shopping in Australia. This is not the only trunk, but the Erbe des Unternehmens der Schlüssel zu seiner Erfolgssträhne is.

There is a businessman seller in Japanese brands, who cares about quality and reliability, as well as Martin Roll company strategy.

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Tadashi Yanai is the richest person in Japan.

Tadashi Yanai is the richest person in Japan.
Koji Watanabe/Getty Images

Over the past 40 months, companies have had to manage their own affairs and rules, relying on Zara and H&M, so Roll Weiter.

Er sei der Meinung, dass Uniqlo “a bit of this myth of the Japanese psyche in this kind of problem. » Japanisches Design sei übersichtliche Einfachheit, Bodenständigkeit, Natur, ausgewogene Werte. “Es versucht nicht, etwas vorzutäuschen, das größer ist, als es tatsächlich sein kann.”