
The Beatles in “Der Herr der Ringe”? 10 Films, Nothing by Fertig Wurden

The Beatles in “Der Herr der Ringe”? 10 Films, Nothing by Fertig Wurden

The stage manager like Francis Ford Coppola had only one problem during his life, when he did not have hidden problems.

Period on “Napoleon”

Next Science Fiction Masterwork “Odyssee im Weltraum” by Stanley Kubricks nächster Film von Napoléon Bonaparte handeln. Ein Archiv voller Probe equipment existentierte bereits, doch letztlich scheiterte das Projekt an der Finanzierung. Immerhin konnte der Regisseur seine Voorarbeit in the Drama “Barry Lyndon” einfließen lassen.

In the world of cinema there is a job, the production is also greater in the general direction. Die Gründe für das Scheitern des Projekts können dabei sehr unterschiedlich sein: Sei es die financial managementProbleme mit der Zeit oder ein doch zu controversial Inhalt. The following films were not directed to the big cinema.

The Beatles as Frodo and Co.

Before Peter Jackson, the “Herr der Ringe”-Bücher 2001 auf die Leinwand brachte, hatten sich bereits andere Regisseure for aineine Verfilmung von Tolkiens Werken interested. Sowohl

Stanley Kubrick and John Boorman developed their interest. Please note that the instructions for the film are: The Beatles love Rollen von Frodo, Sam, Gandalf and Gollum!

Alfred Hitchcock’s series

A bodybuilder, is the women’s series? This idea was taken up by Alfred Hitchcock in his book “Kaleidoscope”. The movie viele Gewalt- und Sexszenen enthalten sollte, fürchtete man die Reaktion des Publikums, et das Produktionsstudio lehnte schließlich ab.

Herzensprojekt by Orson Welles

“Citizen Kane” is one of the classics of cinema. Another Orson Welles project targets finance. Dabei hatte er das Book of “Heart of Darkness” bereits im Alleingang geschrieben. In the romantic film there is only one chapter, the most schreckliches works with the Kolonialismus macht. Die Geschichte fand schließlich Eingang in “Apocalypse Now” by Francis Ford Coppola.

A “Don Quijote” of new art

The problem of Orson Welles, in his financing project, is also present in his own idea. In the seiner version of the “Don Quijote” novels, the protagonist is auf die Gegenwart treffen und Autos, Fernsehen und Co. kennenlernen. Die Dreharbeiten started in 1957Wurden aber wegen Geldmangels immer wieder unterbrochen. Zwischenzeitlich starb sogar der Hauptdarsteller Francisco Reiguera.

HP Lovecraft filming

For the filming of HP Lovecrafts “Am Berge des Wahnsinns” it is: Guillermo del Toro has a budget from Universal erhalten, Tom Cruise is the protagonist of the game and James Cameron producer Ganze. However, the project will lead you into a risky war.

The first movie on the computer

In the late 70s, a young Forscher group in New York – led by Ed Catmull and Alvy Ray Smith, Pixar’s späteren mitbegründer – the idea, a film on the computer at hand. In “The Works,” a robot rises to the occasion in the ongoing world war. The technicians are doing a festival, the damaged computers are not yet capable of creating a warehouse, an animated film.

Francis Ford Coppolas “Megapolis”

In “Megalopolis”, it is about an architect, a utopian city built. Das Drehbuch mit über 200 Seiten stand bereits et Regisseur Francis Ford Coppola hatte sich schon Gedanken über die Besetzung gemacht. Doc September 11 War die Idea den Produzenten zu heikel. Unglaublich, aber wahr: Inzwischen konnte Coppola within Herzensprojekt vollenden. Featuring Adam Driver, Aubrey Plaza, Dustin Hoffman and others who cast an A-list cast. When the film arrives on its own, it still takes place today.

“Divine Rapture” with Starbesetzung

Together with Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando and Debra Winger created “Divine Rapture” a high quality song. Let yourself be carried away in the film by the driver of a mechanical game, who is restless and who is at your disposal for beer. And this project was carried out at the end of time: The production of these products is not included.

River Phoenix’s letter film

In “Dark Blood”, River Phoenix presents a spiritual game, which takes place in a frozen Atombomben and about the Apokalypse War. Next to the Schauspieler während der Dreharbeiten an einer Überdose starbsaid the gestoppt project. Director George Sluizer worked on the film without Rivers and the film by brother Joaquín, who is able to do it.

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