
Nahost-Konflikt: New Details of the Pager-Anschlag bestätigen wilde Gerüchte

Nahost-Konflikt: New Details of the Pager-Anschlag bestätigen wilde Gerüchte

New Details on Pager Announcement: Israeli Mossad Calls Hisbollah with Many Batteries

Donnerstag, October 17, 7:55 a.m.: With sophisticated modifications and herkömmlichen pager batteries, it is the Israeli Mossad service, the Hisbollah terrorists in a brutal fall. A good nun from “Reuters”, was bisher nur wilde Gerüchte zum Vorgehen des Waren du Mossad.

Thus, the Israeli information service of the years took place with a pager battery in Lebanon, with plastic components and articles prepared invisibly. This information awaits you from a Lebanese source and the local agent has a contact. The training session will take place on September 17 for a new season of explosions in Hisbollah-Hochburgen.

The Hisbollah war vorsichtig, whose pager construction suits you

Mossad agents, integrated pagers, integrated a small, but leave quality plastic products as a new product, so that radioactive agents are not visible in the batteries. The enormous size of the new products available, the creation of online stores and social media posts, as well as the recommendations of Hisbollah have been very effective.

The battery module contains two lithium-ion cells, one plastic cover and one high-quality materials einschlossen. This construction consists of a black plastic covering and a metal shell. This art of assembly presented in Herkömmliche Miniaturzünder, was the entdeckung per Röntgengerät weiter erschwerte.

When paying for the pager in February, the Hisbollah-Kämpfer authorities are responsible for verifying that these services are subject to difficult air controls. Die Prüfungen blieben jedoch ohne Befund. On September 17, the pager went off in many Hisbollah countries and was blown up by massive updates and fund drops.

Twice as much security is better, Mossad hints at risk of attack. The Israeli Minister of Vertequence, Yoav Gallant, directly led the Ergebnisse of Mossad, and also indirectly interpreted the best direction of the company. Hisbollah began working with internal services, a security system for the future and several sources of identification.

Schwere Israelische Luftangriffe auf Südlibanon – Gesundheitsministerium spricht von fünf Toten

12:34 p.m.: A Reihe schwerer Israelischer Luftangriffe a die südlibanesische Stadt Nabatija und Umgebung getroffen. A merger of the Lebanese National State Agent NNA strives to think about the fight against the Luftschläge auf die Stadt itself. Although anger within the municipal administration is in the minds of men, it is in an institution of the Lebanese government ministry. Auf Videos in sozialen Medien war zu sehen, wie schwarze Rauchwolken in dem Gebiet aufstiegen.

The head of the Lebanese regime, Nadschib Mikati, heads the Angriff auf die Stadtverwaltung as “Verbrechen”.

The Israeli army is structured around the terrorist leadership of the historic Hisbollah militia in the Gebiet Nabatijas and under the infrastructure of the elite government in the Lebanese South. Die Angaben der Seiten können derzeit nicht unabhängig überprüft werden.

The United States flies to Israel with the leadership of the Militärhilfe

Mittwoch, October 16, 6:43 a.m.: The catastrophic humanitarian measures of the time in the Gaza Strip are in the US region under the action of law enforcement: the situation of men in the conflict zones abgeriegelten does not take place inside of the 30th day, not to mention a conflict between the United States and the military unit. ützung, hieß es à Washington. Das könnte also die American Militärhilfe für gefährden. The young images of a perpetrator of the Israeli civil war within a country house in the Gaza Strip found themselves in a position of peace, according to the National Security Council speech in the White House, John Kirby.

The Israeli army made a 50-day tour of Lebanon and northern Israel in the heat of war

2h44: The Israeli army ran for 50 years, and died overnight in the middle of Lebanon in northern Israel saying this. “Einige geschosse wurden abgefangen und heruntergefallene Geschosse wurden in der Gegend identifiziert”, erklärte das Militär. Opfer meldete die Armee nicht. Lebanon’s Hisbollah-Miliz engaged in its activities and had a “great salvo of rake” within the northern Israeli city of Safed.

Israeli opposition leader spoke out against angry Iranian Ölfelders

1h34: The leader of the Israeli opposition, Jair Lapid, realized that it was a project to fight against Iran, in the Olfelder des Landes, in the Visier of the government. “Wir sollten mit den Ölfeldern startnen,” says the “Jerusalem Post”. Das würde der Wirtschaft der Islamische Republik schaden, begründete er seine Forderung.

On the day of war, it is Israel in a conflict that creates Iran within the military coalition and the fight against atoms and hydrocarbons. For two women, the Iranian revolutionary garden runs at 200 ballistic bullets at the jüdischen Staat gefeuert. Israel kündigte daraufhin Vergeltung an. Laut Analysten könnte und angriff auf die Ölanlagen der Energiepreise nach oben treiben.

The Israeli army gets involved in the Gefangennahme of three Hisbollah-Kämpfern

10:25 p.m.: The Israeli army has Angaben zufolk in South Lebanon one of the Hisbollah genenutzten Schacht entdeckt and three mitglieder einer Eliteeinheit der Miliz gefangen genommen. “If we are still with old Waffen and Ausrüstungsgegenständen entdeckt, die für einen langen Aufenthalt benötigt werden,” the army declared in the Dienstag. The Unterirdische Schacht addressed him in a report from the Hisbollah Genutzten Gebäude.

Do you want the Gefangennahme of the Hisbollah-Kämpfer to take care of it, that the army is not with it. Auch von der Miliz selbst chatterer es zunächst keine Erklärung zu dem Vorfall. Bereits am Sonntag wanted the Israeli army to leave, a Hisbollah-Kämpfer in a tunnel in South Lebanon gefangen genommen zu haben.

Hisbollah turned to Israel to take care of the “Achse des Widerstands” under the leadership of Iran. On October 7, 2023, the Grossangriff of his Palestinian Islamist organization Hamas in Israel launched the war in Lebanon with the Raketenangriffs of a Second Front against Israel.

In the surrounding area, women have access to Israeli military aircraft within the massive Hisbollah. You will start with two of our products in the south of Lebanon and they are the stars of the Militia.

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