
Explanation of the Ministry Ortiz Mena reforma

Explanation of the Ministry Ortiz Mena reforma

After your planting, the Judicial reform in Mexico, it is a subject of debate at the national and international level; without embargo, a recent presentation at the prestigious University of Harvard I unsatado some of the comments. El

of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, provoked reactions among the public, explaining the points that conform to the Reforma.

The Harvard criminal lawyers are burlan of the form in that they are postularán jueces, magistrates and ministers in Mexico

The minister studied at the Law School of Harvard to, among other themes, talk about the controversy Judicial reform recently approved by the legislators in Mexico; without embargo, when detailing the

election process
A judges, magistrates and ministros, the penalistas assist them break in risas.

The moment, which was immortalized in social networks, just when Ortiz Mena commented on the demands

to be playful
what is it? Judicial reformamong those who mention that it is necessary to have 8 promo and 5 recommendation cards.

“A huge period in which the courts will not be predictable because all the federal district courts and magistrates will tend to vote now on the requirements to be a voter and todavía us tenemos legislación (secondary) in desarrollo and no es broma. There are 8 steps of checking our constitution today and 5 recommendation cards from your neighbors. If you have these requirements, you can be applied until Supreme Corte.”, declared Minister of the Tribunal Máximo.

This took place during the panel “Plenaria 1: Jueces and justicia en tribunals internationals y supremos”, which took place on October 10, 2024.

SCJN analyzes the constitutionality of judicial reform

Cabe signals that this is the day, the minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá

admission to tramite
cinco actions of unconstitutionality promotions against judicial reform, by political parties such as the PRI, Ciudadano Movement and PAN, as well as as local legislators, such as the case of the Congress of Zacatecas and a local party in Coahuila. This means that the SCJN will review the constitutionality of the Judicial reform.