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Stadt wegen Theaterstück Fördergelder zurück

Leipzig. Im Streit um die Aufführung un palestinensischen Performance bei der anstehenden euro-scène à Leipzig verlangt die Stadtverwaltung bereits gezahlte Fördergelder zurück. As we have seen, the Mietvertrag für die Veranstaltung im Novembre noch aufgelöst werden cannn, it is auf Nachfrage der LVZ aus dem Neuen Rathaus. The Tanzfestival itself has the impression that there is no angesichts der Umstände über un Absage der umstrittenen Aufführung nach.

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Konkret is one of Freedom Theaters’ “And Here I Am” shows in the Palestinian Westjordanland. British manager Zoe Lafferty has grown tired of Dschenin stammenden Ahmed Tobasi feeling up to date with life within the bank. Tobasi’s war as a young man against the Islamist terrorist organization Dschihad, which then took more years and engaged in liberation from the streets to the theater.

Kritische Stimmen, like the Leipzig Artists Against Anti-Semitism, contributed to the propaganda offensive against the terrorist group and the defenders of the Iranian regime. The Freedom Theater created one of the angels of the initiators of a “Cultural Intifada” of the State of Israel – a crime committed during the conduct of the Intifada against the terrorist acts of 2005 in 1987 and in 2005 during the Israeli war. The Freedom Theaters government also addresses the brother leader of the Al-Aqsa terrorist brigade, Zakaria Zubeidi.

Verbindung BDS in a broader approach for the municipal council

Leipzig cultural master Skadi Jennicke (Linke) launched a first October reaction to public opinion regarding new anti-Semitic positions in cases – allergies to an extremely critical judgment in Israel. The footholds of the organized BDS campaign, Boykott’s global movement for the existence of the States of Israel, have one businessman blaming himself. “Die nun zutage getretenen Verbindungen der Produktion ‘And here I am’ zur BDS-Bewegung stehen in Widerspruch zum Stadtratsbeschluss ‘Gegen jeden Antisemitismus!’ vom June 2019″, therefore das Kulturdezernat am Montag.

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In one of the SPD cases, the Ratsbeschluss was organized by the Leipzig party, the anti-Semitic Boykottaufrufen in Leipzig made it clear that Absage had occurred. It is also explicit for the BDS campaign. “Organizations, organizations and people, the existence of Israel as a state jüdischen delegitimieren or other anti-Semitic actions, werden – soweit rechtlich möglich – keine Räumlichkeiten or Flächen zur Verfügung gestellt. If there is another reason for the Zuwendungen or Zuschüsse der Kommune erhalten“, it is in the Beschlusstext.

euro-scene pays 360,000 Euro – Mietvertrag wird geprüft

Nach Gesprächen mit der euro-scene anderen Beteiligten habe die Kommune deshalb jetzt “eine (anteilige) Rückforderung der gewährten Zuwendung angekündigt”, therefore the Leipziger Kulturdezernat. Höhe et Umfang der Rückforderungen würden derzeit rechtlich noch geprüft. In January 2024, the European scene invested 360,000 euros in mutual funds within the Stadtkasse.

The inauguration will take place on November 6 and 7 in Leipzig, which will be unwahrscheinlich. The Leipzig tournament – ​​on the European stage of the European golf tournament scene – takes part in the Auflösung des Geschlossenen Mietvertrages, il est aus der Stadtverwaltung. Schauspiel intendant Enrico Lübbe himself will be able to go to the Montag nicht äußern. It follows that the municipal theater has been located for years, and that many other training programs in the Messestadt are held inside, “within the European stage and playing on the interpretation of the stars”.

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Festival denkt über Absage der Aufführung nach

During a broadcast of the European scene within the LVZ group, there is also a general message of “And here I am” from the festival evening in the space, “a scene of artists and artists of the European scene and partners”. “. Dass es Kritik an der Einladung und am Gastspiel geben werde, damit hatte Programm-Director Christian Watty zumindest gerechnet. The Tanz-and-Performance-Festival will take place this month with all initiatives from Iran, Palestine and Lebanon under a central theme in the region. Role playing during the war in Israel is not permitted. Watty Kennt laut eigener Angabe “And here I am” bereits aus Frankreich, wo das Stück vielfach aufgeführt werde.

Since 1991, the European scene has met in November in Leipzig, from November 5 to 10. The Festival also includes the combination of Tanz, theater and performances and will feature entertainment programs from the operating company. Finanziert wird the euro-scène zu grand Teilen von Kommune und Freistaat. Since 2021, Christian Watty has died.