
Power games and intimidation: denounce Gangata’s alleged threats against lawyer Alex Kamangila – Malawi Nyasa Times

Power games and intimidation: denounce Gangata’s alleged threats against lawyer Alex Kamangila – Malawi Nyasa Times

In a disturbing turn of events, Alfred Gangata, managing director of Masters Boreholes Drilling Company, has found himself at the center of a storm of allegations, including intimidation and potential collusion in corrupt activities. Recent statements by human rights lawyer Alexious Kamangila reveal a disturbing pattern of threats that not only raise questions about Gangata’s character, but also highlight broader questions of power and accountability in Malawi.

Gangata: Is he threatening Kamangila?

Kamangila’s bold claim that he received threats from Gangata following his social media posts about corruption raises serious concerns about the safety of individuals who dare to challenge powerful figures. After referencing a 2022 article that implicated Gangata in questionable dealings with High Court Justice Kenan Manda, Kamangila said he received a series of disturbing calls and messages from Gangata, culminating in a direct threat hidden in a scary phrase: “You are very troublesome”.

This is not just a personal dispute; this is a glaring example of how individuals in positions of power often resort to intimidation tactics to silence dissent. Kamangila’s defiance in the face of such threats should be a rallying cry for all who value justice and accountability. “I’m well prepared,” he said, refusing to be intimidated. This position is laudable, but it begs the question: how many others will suffer in silence under similar threats?

Gangata’s alleged collusion with Justice Manda to seize properties through dubious means, as MP Kamlepo Kalua suggests, paints a picture of a deep-rooted system where power dynamics undermine justice. The implication that a sitting judge may be involved in corrupt activities orchestrated by a businessman is not only scandalous; this undermines the very foundations of Malawi’s legal system.

Why do powerful individuals like Gangata feel emboldened to threaten lawyers who seek to expose corruption? This behavior suggests a toxic culture of impunity that extends beyond simple personal vendettas; this indicates a systemic problem in which those in power can manipulate legal and social structures to maintain their status quo.

The deterrent effect of such threats cannot be underestimated. Many activists and lawyers may think twice before denouncing powerful figures, fearing reprisals. This sets a dangerous precedent where fear stifles accountability and justice, allowing corrupt practices to flourish unchecked.

It is essential to ask: what is the role of government and law enforcement in protecting those who speak out against corruption? The failure to respond to these threats not only endangers individuals like Kamangila, but also sends the message that powerful figures can act without fear of consequences.

Kamangila’s situation is not just about a lawyer resisting threats; it is a call to action against corruption and intimidation in Malawi. Society must mobilize to support those who dare to confront powerful interests. It is imperative that the legal system protects whistleblowers and activists, ensuring that they can act without fear of reprisal.

As citizens, we must hold our leaders accountable and question the actions of those in power. Now is the time to speak out against the culture of intimidation and corruption that threatens the very fabric of our society.

Alfred Gangata’s alleged threats against Alexious Kamangila are emblematic of a wider crisis in Malawi, one where the powerful can act with impunity and silence those who seek to bring them to justice. It is crucial that this issue is not ignored. As a society, we must stand strong against bullying, demand transparency and protect those who fight for the rights of vulnerable people. The fight for justice is not just the responsibility of lawyers; this requires the active participation of every citizen committed to the ideals of responsibility and integrity.

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