
Wohnung gestalten: In den Details steckt die Kraft – Wie man Inspiration findet

Wohnung gestalten: In den Details steckt die Kraft – Wie man Inspiration findet

Wer Wohnraum umgestalten will, sollte bloß nicht schauen, was andere machen. Often they inspire absurd architectural details in cities, bars or train stations for the most interesting interiors, according to our author, who is an architect and interior designer. Seine Tipps für die Ideenfindung.

My name is Fabien Freytag. I am an architect and I have been carrying out a land development project for 20 years, like the construction work book spans a cinema work. In this collection that interests me, the interior design was really ausmacht, where we thought about dahinter verbergen and the man is erfolgreich umsetzt.

Old interiors are long and uninspired. Mein Ziel est, das zu ändern. There is also an aesthetic element – ​​of the time, in a long-term and reasonable world – as well as a financial element: Gutes Design is also available. And it’s a viele Wege that dies to realize.

Before I got close: old photos taken by my Handy, as well as very clear photos of my chosen Handy. You can view personal documentation and communication with the team. Also ein herzliches Willkommen in Folge 2 meines “Behind the scenes” – Tagebuchs der Innenarchitektur.

Vom Bahnhof zur Bar: The Kraft of the Details

A city man likes the first sight, and there is another man who has a bad idea, his Schönheit zu erkennen. Orte, die in Klischees erstickt sind, lösen bei mir often zunächst Ablehnung aus. Paris? Langweilig! Doch das liegt meistens daran, the man this Städte nur oberflächlich kennt. Sobald man is intensive with one place, he takes care of langsam maintenance in Verständnis. Any braucht es nur einen eteren Blickwinkel, eine Entdeckung, die tiefer geht.

I use it more with interior space design, which is interesting for architectural details, facades and unique pieces of a room. And the district of Paris is closer to the game. The man must never nach oben licken, and schon schon entfaltet sich ein Reichtum an Formen and Epochen, der unvergleichlich ist – eine Quelle der Inspiration, die mich immer wieder aufs Neue fasciniert.

During this year’s war, I am often in Paris, my agent is at the city office. Das Ritual begins jedes Mal gleich: I am at the Gare de l’Est, I am in a hotel immersed in the “Terminus Nord” brasserie. Beim letzten Besuch blieb ich jedoch am Ausgang des Bahnhofs stehen, als mich ein absurdes Detail nicht mehr losließ.

An unscheinbaren Wand, fast verloren neben einem Mitarbeitereingang, stand ein castiges, hohes Pflanzgefäß. This is an ausschnitt territory, the war in Naturstein gefertigt and the interior with mosaic flies. This 70-piece piece contains everything you need.

Safe war is the only one for every Pflanzen gedacht – jetzt standen Plastikgestrüpp darin, was the ursprünglichen Charme fast ad absurdum führte. The best performing materials and fragile dishes are perfectly suited to my needs. This is a potential gap that will allow me to perform my work optimally.

Das Schöne an der Innenarchitektur is the inspiration for this direct in the Konzepte umgesetzt werden können. Now you have to stop this time, it will be a form of speech for a living room. Also dachte ich mir: Warum nicht den Bahnhof zur Bar werden lassen? The Kreis as a form fascinated me, and the naive failure of the projects was made for a paten in a new executed concept.

I sell the Blumenkübel in two bars at home – one for drinks and one for coffee – and I propose the theme auf sämtliche Einbaumöbel im Apartment. So I have the opportunity to see the concept of the plans for each detail: with three materials to play with, contrasts and harmony. The combination with plane tree, a selten verwendeten Holz – and a light golden reflection of Metalloberfläche Bildet un Faszinierenden Kontrast zum Gräulich-Grunen Naturstein.

The magic happens through the material – like a richer pie: wood is on the upper surface, it is metal – and umgekehrt. Space for space’s sake extends to the plane – and thanks to the mind, the idea is functional. It is an interior concept composed of three motifs and an angel motif: an element found, it is the first and most consistent, it is durchziehen.

That’s right, Inspiration is not the originator of building or crafting of this type – and therefore it is not possible to establish Moodboard platforms. You can find these permanent statuses. I am more man with idea described, for more answers find man. And golden dabei: Nicht schauen, was die Freunde oder Bekannte machen. Stattdessen sollte man verschiedene Städte oder Stadtteile, Bars et ja auch Bahnhöfe besuchen et beobachten, was functional and was not. In welchen Räumen fühlt man sich wohl? Hat man diese Schule durchlaufen, howt die Suche nach dem Unconventionalen – der interessantesteste Teil!

Blumenkübel am Bahnhof zu Bars in the machen apartments. (Pariser) Fassadendetails auf Türzargen übertragen. Materialwelten of opulent Eingängen in Bäder verwandeln. Das kann et darf Interiordesign. La Reise von un Bauchgefühl hin zur Realität ist das Ziel.

Auf geht’s zu new Orten!

Freytags Looking for inspiration:

1. Details regarding wahrnehmen

Inspiration is so often found in the details, which are easy to understand. This is another building in a station room or in a verborgen facade of a bathroom – it is an elusive means, use and element for difficult things. These details are very advanced ideas and new perspectives for design projects.

2. Understanding the Inspirations of Nutzen

Gute Inspiration is not available in designs such as Moodboards or Designmagazines. This is the assistance of the railway stations to the restaurants of Fassaden, which offers active foods, an interesting answer to find. An interesting place can have an interesting concept.

Minimalist, modular, flexible

3. A central element that follows

For a remarkable interior design, this is a central element to find and follow in all the details to be used. It is a shape of a circle or a combination of materials that results in the use of a character and a Kohärenz. Dadurch wird die Idea zu aeinem wiederkennbaren et soliden Konzept.

4. With the contrasting effects of materials

The perfect combination of materials, contrasting schemes, allows for extensive designs. The play between woods and metal or natural stones and high reflections offers a fascinating expanse and a long lebendig playing time. This is what happens with versatile materials for experimenting. But don’t worry!

5. Unconventional ideas

If the standards are oriented towards trends or trends, they are so unconventional. Dies bedeutet, Ideen aus inerwarteten Quellen abzuleiten, wie Blumenkübel in Bars zu verwandeln oder Fassadendetails auf Innenelemente zu übertragen. This Herangehensweise schafft Einzigartigkeit and brings the Konzepte hervor, die sich vom Mainstream abheben.

Fabian Freytag is a top interior designer and architect in Berlin.