
The SCJN analyzes the constitutionality of judicial reform

The SCJN analyzes the constitutionality of judicial reform

There constitutionality of the Judicial reform that

prevented the popular election

and the ministers if will be debate in the pleno of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) by party petition policy Yes legislators local.

Yes, it’s the minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá admitted to trámite cinco actions of unconstitutionality promovidas por Marko Cortes as the president of STOVE; Alexandre Moreno as the president of PRI; representatives of the opposition Zacatecas Congress; Dante Delgado and other Party members Ciudadano Movement; and Evaristo Lenin Pérez Rivera as president of the local political party of Democratic Unity of Coahuila.

No suspension of hay against judicial reform

The admission of the five requests will not be accompanied by a suspension which will make it possible to freeze the decree modifying the Constitution in matters of Reforma del Poder Judicial, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on September 15.

“With regard to the basis of article 64, third paragraph of the regulatory law on the matter, not giving rise to a favorable request, today that the provision is clearly announced that the admission of an action of Unconstitutionality is not intended instead. “To the suspension of the general norm, unlike what follows the constitutional controversy, and in this case the suspension is regulated in articles 14 15 16 17 and 18 of the regulatory law”, said the accused .

Minister González Alcántara Carrancá pedirá informs the justificados at the presidency and the congress

Admission does not imply any way of helping reason to gone Yes legislators that impugnaron, pues solo is a tramite for the minister Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá develop projects sentence respective ones that will take into consideration the remaining four ministers of the


During the development of projects, the responsible minister will notify and request justified information from the Presidency of the Republic, Congress of the Union, the 23 national congresses and the Congress of the City of Mexico, to be those who participate in the approval of the Judicial reform.

What is an unconstitutional action?

Cabe recordar que una action of unconstitutionality is a constitutional review mechanism that is used to review whether a law or international treaty does not transgress the

Carta Magna
. Its purpose is to expel from the legal order norms contrary to the Constitution or international treaties.