
Next Communication for Hypervernetzte Zukunft: Fraunhofer HHI Starts BMBF HYPERCORE Project

Next Communication for Hypervernetzte Zukunft: Fraunhofer HHI Starts BMBF HYPERCORE Project

This image in the large format (openPR) HYPERCORE will be managed and implemented with more than one million euros from the Federal Ministry of Construction and Research (BMBF) for three years.

The digitalization takes place in immer mehr Lebensbereiche. Technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles or smart cities (smart cities) have a longer and more fanciful vision, which allows them to be active in our society. These people zu erreichen, erfordert leistungsstarke Netze, die enormous Datenmengen in Echtzeit übertragen können.

Subway and core travel is happening in the coming years due to fixing the data rate on well length channels based on words. Dieser Ansatz stößt allerdings zunehmend an seine physikalischen Grenzen. The HYPERCORE hinge offers a first combination with three different physical dimensions for adjusting the frequency of use, frequency (channel length), frequency (channel length) and length (Anzahl channel chain), a new leistungsf. ähigere et energieffizientere Übertragungs- und Netzwerkkonzept zu entwickeln.

HYPERCORE software is based on Kern technology. Die Forschenden werden Multiband-Übertragungssysteme mit erweitertem Wellenlängenbereich sowie energieeffiziente Multiband-Transceiver entwickeln. Furthermore, the project partner designed a very comprehensive OTDR (optical time domain reflectometry) system, with machine tools to learn the network for automation. Then let yourself be guided by the research on digital twin technology for installation in the ausbauen optical communications network.

“The essence of HYPERCORE projects is the best, the practice of advanced technologies for evaluation and the need for a large implementation throughout Europe,” said Dr. Colja Schubert, Gruppenleiter Optische Untersee – und Kernnetze am Fraunhofer HHI. “Dafür werden ab Frühjahr 2026 Fieldtests in den Regionen Kiel and Berlin unter realen Bedingungen durchgeführt. »

The Christian Albrechts-University of Kiel is in collaboration with the “Stadtwerke Kiel” network and was designed for the implementation of glazing. Here you test research on new, perfectly matched OTDR systems. This system is used in the breast, zusätzliche Informationen wie Bewegungen and Vibrationen in der Nähe der installed Glasfasern abzufragen et gleichzeitig Datenkommunikation zu ermöglichen.

In a two construction offices in Berlin, we evaluated the new transmitters and the Empfänger im O-Band, as well as the energy-efficient signal transmission algorithm in real applications with such a conversation (bspw. 8K Video- Konferenzen).

The HYPERCORE project was established for all research projects in network security and energy efficiency, with critical security infrastructure and digital use of CO₂ fusion plants.

The Fraunhofer HHI also named renowned universities and universities: the Bundeswehr University Munich, the Karlsruher Institute of Technology, the Christian-Albrechts-University and the University of Stuttgart. We offer you to collaborate with the old industrial partner of the name, such as Adtran, VPIphotonics, ADDIX and CAD Connect, for easy use of advanced technology.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprech partner:
Dr rer. nat. Colja Schubert
Gruppenleiter Optische Untersee- und Kernnetze
Such. +49 30 31002-252