
Morena introduces judges as advocates of judicial reform; Piden lever perio laboral

Morena introduces judges as advocates of judicial reform; Piden lever perio laboral

A district juice group of the Mexico Citywill destaparon and will announce that will participate in the new electoral process to elect the people juzgadoras del Judicial Power of the Federación.

Fueron received in the Chamber of Deputies by the presidents of the Mesa Directiva and the Junta de Coordination Política de la Cámara de Diputados, Sergio Gutierrez Luna Yes Ricardo Monreal Avilarespectively, if they are not allowed in the rules of the content.

Asimismo, request the rise of paro laboral from our compañeros.

The final quarter of the Department of Administrative Materials in Mexico City, Blanca Alicia Ochoa Hernández I said that I would participate in the process because “I wish to resume our obligation to do justice” and because I consider that the public service cannot be interrupted or paralyzed by any reason, “because at stake is the protection of the human rights of citizens which is the common good which is subject to the outsourcing of justice and to the judicial career at this that our hemos dedicate themselves throughout their lives.”

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Yamin Francisco González MendozaJuez Décimo Quinto de Distrito en Materia Administrativa en la Ciudad de México, indicating that he had 24 years of judicial career and as impartial of justice “We know that the Constitution is the supreme norm of the Mexican justice system and that judicial reform is part of the same, and the consequences are the positive law vigent and the obligatory observance for all nosotros”.

Meanwhile, the last sext of the District in Administrative Matter of the City of Mexico, Gabriel Regis López externated his decision to participate in the electoral process that established the judicial reform, “pues somos de judicial career we go through all the loads that the components and before this new paradigm have decided to claim popular election, to end up having the legitimacy that requires the new constitutional model of election of judges”.

Since el Legislative Palace of San Lazarothe deputy Gutiérrez Luna clarified that the jueces “expressed their intention to participate in the new process that approved the Permanent Constituent Assembly so that the juzgadores have a democratic friend and sean elected for the citizen”.

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Asimismo, it is said, juice I helped outside what is happening, what is coming, what visualizes your desire to return to work, to communicate justice, the paro has extended more than necessary; and that there is a constitutional reform that is alive today and that is derecho positivo Mexican.

The president of the Policy Coordination Councilsaid Ricardo Monreal Ávila, who ensured that the Evaluation Committee would select candidates “with their characteristics of impartiality, capacity and good repute”.

Detect that there are no automatic juices and magistrates “In this unprecedented electoral process of June next year, more than 70 years ago, the judges of the century have the possibility of maintaining their cargoes, and they do not have the possibility of incorporating their professional activities according to their abilities and their talents.

Monreal Avila called the rest of the judges, magistrates and ministers of the Court, because “they know that the selection process of candidates and the elective process will be clean and transparent.”

Patricia Aguayo, voice of the workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, reported the integration of judges and magistrates into the Cuarta Transformationit is the sum of a project which is not legal. It’s more good, una order of dinamitar the Judicial Power.

“We know that legal reason, legal reason and especially work, for many magistrates and judges like Sean, know that they have not arrived at a project of legality, but that they are in the process of doing it. Judicial Power of the Federaciónthere is no obstacle to him getting here,” he said.

Reiterate that the courts and magistrates who relate to Morena are with the aim of disputing the amparo juice o inclusive of any appeal which is presented in contradiction with the reform of the Judicial Power of the Federation.

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“I think it’s a notice It is important that we do not have to stop going through this and that we are silent in the meantime because, unfortunately, people are in favor of the World Transformation,” he assured.

The express question is that if the judges and magistrates who present Morena are finding a place in the 2025. Patricia Aguayo said it was likely.

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