
Ideas workshop for young people – The initiative must stop at the Dillinger Landratsamt

Ideas workshop for young people – The initiative must stop at the Dillinger Landratsamt

The non-profit initiative “Startup Teens” and the Landkreis Dillingen also held an ideas workshop for students and youth society students this month, and this Friday to Sunday, November 21. However, it is important to know that young men are already young and have only the Gelegenheit, ihre Projecte direct bei deux spannenden Wettbewerben einzureichen.

Dillinger welcomes you when he has ideas for design patterns

“Ziel des Workshops ist es, Problemlösungskompetenzen bei jungen Menschen zu fördern, creative Lösungen für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu erarbeiten et die Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, aus Ideen Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln,” informed Landrat Markus Müller. The project manager, Johanna Reichel, worked hard to create great ideas, when they were funded, was created and the rich company and hand were created. “Our Bayern Tour will see these young talents with regional initiatives, but if the Ort einen möglichst einfachen Zugang zu unternehmerischer Bildung bekommen, was what was for the youth and regional society.”

It is obvious that the Gelegenheit challenges were carried out as part of the Bayern Challenge 2025. This item is exclusive to children aged 2, aged 14 to 19 and paid for with a purchase price of 10,000 euros. And of course, the National Businessplan-Challenge 2025 will allow you to carry out your projects with a prize of 10,000 euros in your category and the best project will be carried out.

Startup Teens initiative stops during Bayern’s tour in Dillingen

Landrat Müller says: “Our company stand is sustainable and successful. » A strong startup ecosystem system is not found in wet plants and innovation, so it is secure in its location. “Daher setzen wir und afür ein, unseren nachwuchs für den Regionalen Arbeitsmarkt und die heimische Wirtschaft zu fördern et auf die berufliche Zukunft vorzubereiten.” So, now is the Landrat, the Initiative im Rahmen ihrer Bayern-Tour also stopped in Dillingen einlegt. A concert will be organized by “Startup Teens” on November 21, from November 14 at 4:30 p.m., in a workshop at the Landratsamt in Dillingen for interested students. The workshop takes place from January 14 to 23. Die Teilnahme is free.

One day they launched “Startup Teens” a press release of the Landratsamtes unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln bei Jugendlichen and joined forces with important partners from the Bayeriske Ministry of Economic Affairs. Ziel sei es, jungen Menschen unabhängig von ihrer schulischen Laufbahn oder ihrem sozialen Hintergrund die Chance zu geben, ihr Potenzial volll auszuschöpfen.

More information about wet activities and training courses can be found at Dort können sich interessierte Jugendliche ab sofort auch anmelden. (AZ)