
Postal bank: Zinsaktion für Tagesgeld – 3.1% pa für Neuanlagen

Postal bank: Zinsaktion für Tagesgeld – 3.1% pa für Neuanlagen

Postal bank: The Postbank reacts to the current Zinsumfeld and the Neugeld on the Tagesgeld bank account for sechs Monate with an attractive Zinssatz.

So, the postal bank is positioned in the wet field of activities, thanks to the numerous services of the European Central Bank, as well as one of the most advanced service providers.

The investment fund for new payments amounts to 2,500 and 100,000 euros, from October 7 to November 25, 2024, during a new or better balance account.

The Abschluss des Tagesgeldkontos is also online and also in the Postbank-Filiale möglich; Kontoführung is free.

The Zeitraum für den Aktionszins is published from December 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.

Postal bank offering attractive activities

In addition, the Postbank will be able to pay profits to you.

The Golden Actions for Individuals vermögen, das sich vor Beginn des Einzahlungszeitraums nicht auf Giro-, Sparoder Tagesgeldkonten oder sonstigen Konten oder Depots von Postbank und Deutsche Bank befand.

“With new Tagesgeldangebot ermöglichen wir unseren Kunden, ihre Ersparnisse sicher et gleichzeitig flexibel anzulegen,” said Frank Kuczera, Leiter Produktmanagement Einlagen der Privatkundenbank in Germany. “In today’s market we can find a verlässliche and attractive Möglichkeit, Geld anzulegen.”

Postbank offers digital assistance and support services for video and telephone

From the first action of the day of the month, a large postal bank store has resorted to the most effective method for your money of the day to be collected online.

Dafür sind nur fünf Klicks notwendig.

Postbank supports their customers and services in digital products and services, as well as people management services that are not available in branches, but also in regional service centers generated by video and telephone for sale.

„Unsere digitalen Angebote kommen an. Damit bewegen wir uns weiter in Richtung eines starken Omnikanal-Angebots – digital and personallich, so wee es noser Kundinnen et Kunden wünschen”, said Volker Büttner, Leiter Digitalvertrieb, Omnikanal & Analytics der Privatkundenbank in Germany.

Aktueller Tagesgeld Vergleich