
Congress of Michoacán, first in aprobar local judicial reform- Grupo Milenio

Congress of Michoacán, first in aprobar local judicial reform- Grupo Milenio

Swindle 30 votes for a favoror against and without abstentions, the deputies of the 76th Legislature of Local Congress approve the judicial reform in Michoacan.

In a extraordinary session that for more than five hours, and with a single point to discuss and vote, the legislators swallowed in their town hall the reform initiative presented by the governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramírez Bedollaal Local judicial power.

With it, the entity converted into the first at the national level in approving its legislation with the federal judicial reform approved el September 15.

There initiativeanalyzed and approved by the commissions of Puntos Constitucionales, de Justicia y de Asuntos Electorales and Participación Ciudadana, validal igual that at the federal level, the election judges and magistrates, as well as respect for the labor rights of employees of this institution.

In the explanatory memorandum, the governor of Michoacán, Alfredo Ramirez Bedollapointing out that this exercise allows a mayor to participate and examine the civil society in judicial asuntos.

Asimismo, will contribute to reduce the perception of impunitybecause the jueces will be responsible before the voters, which will guarantee a mayor democratization access to justice, transparency and better internal administration of the Judicial power.

From you, representatives of the opposition banks vote against the dictatesarguing that this perjudica the Judicial Power of Michoacán and that it does not work sufficiently discussed nor analyzed.

Additionally, you will see that there will be a desacato a judicial mandate which orders the suspension of the vote for the reform of the Judicial power in los local conferences.

No, the president of the Congress of Michoacán, Juan Antonio Magaña de la Moraensuring that there is no illegality in the legislative process, in terms of amparos presented againstbecause the General Constitution obliges entities to respect their normative frameworks on the ground. maximum of 180 days.

For this, I confirmed that we can’t brake a federal constitutional mandate.