
Nancy Brilli is passionate about the intimate details of her relationship with Ivano Fossati

Nancy Brilli is passionate about the intimate details of her relationship with Ivano Fossati

Nancy Brilli presented Monica Setta in a long interview for the “Stories of women at the bivouac weekend”, during the announcement of the weekend, Saturday October 19 at 3:40 p.m., on Rai2, and enthused the details in their conversation with the singers. Ivano Fossati.

Nancy Brilli: “Ivano Fossati? Jeder Streit ends in Schlägereien, er war sehr eifersüchtig. Mit Roy De Vita already has contact with us”

The story of Nancy Brilli and Ivano Fossati

“La leidenschaftlichste Liebe meines Lebens?” Ivano Fossati. We have a geliebt man, getrennt and viele Male wiedergefunden. If I’m watching an Eierstock tumor operate, I’m in the clinic, under his head, and I don’t know. I speak to Schock for Schmerzen in the operations room and then, dass Ivano draußen vor dem Krankenhaus geschlafen hatte, ohne sich sehen zu lassen”.

Die Schauspielerin gesteht, spricht über Liebe et enthüllt weitere Details über die Geschichte mit dem genuesischen Sänger. “A single best point – sagt sie – began to be, uns weh zu tun, and therefore beschloss ich, Schluss zu machen. I also ate them, and it’s true, after an evening at Café Le Giubbe Rosse in Florenz, I ate them, in the golden book of Lokals zu schreiben. I say: “Heute sagen Nancy et Ivano pour immer Lebewohl”. And so the wars. I had one of my phones on my phone – I said – I went to my son and went to war on the trip to Genoa. It is said that he is of my Mutterschaft and that he is happy. ‘Endlich wirst du glücklich sein,’ he said. Brilli spricht also über den Vater ihres Sohnes Chicco, Luca Manfredi. “Uh war überzeugt, dass ich die Geschichte mit Roy De Vita hatte, noch bevor wir ours zu streitenenen, but the war is not really. Im Gegenteil, wenn es more Dialog zwischen uns gegeben hätte, wären wir vielleicht noch zusammen». And now, Paolo Virzì, the brilliant verse that is being prepared, a film to dream about, which is so close to home, and Massimo Ghini, speaks to Ehemann. “Paolo tells me that the Hauptrolle in ‘Dimenticare Piombino’ plays – he is so good – that he will see our house and that he will write a brief, from me in the Schublade der Schrecken and the Verrätereien aufbewahre. He told me that I had role plays in an automatic film in which I found myself with Pippo Baudo in an auftrete business dress. I don’t take care of it.”

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