
Navigation applications: See how I see them

Navigation applications: See how I see them

How do we find out what we’re looking for? This is a page of these people, which dates from 2010 from the time of the Führerschein, which was mishandled (or which the young people made gestures). Deutlich seltener fällt die Frage, wie man eigentlich trotz der gängigen Navigations-Apps am Ziel ankommt – ohne zwischendurch vor Wut the Handy aus dem fahrenden Auto zu werfen.

I have my ambitions in a stand-up comedy career, I have created material for a long-lasting monologue, in this version I am in a choleric tone generated by choleric falls, which took place in the public, nickname and “Genau so ist es!” » whisper. I möchte aber gar kein Komiker sein, I möchte einfach nur irgendwo hinkommen!

So, I entered my living area in a neighborhood, the street is not in my real store. When viewing, you should be aware of the fact that “farmers are traveling” should be placed on Google Maps as follows: “Links are available, which means that they can be accessed.” Mein Mitgefühl golden allen Ortsunkundigen, die vor diese Herausforderung gestellt werden.

On highways, bus lines are accessible, waterways are difficult to reach, at footpath level. Was the country equal within the Ruhr region, where the abfahrten mitunter nur wenige Hundert Meter auseinanderliegen, regelmäßig zu unnötiger Verunsicherung: Welche Ausfahrt jetzt genau?


This text is published above wochentaz. Check out our Zeitung Wochenzeitung von Links! In der wochentaz geht es jede Woche um die Welt, wie sie ist – and wie sie sein könnte. A link between the Wochenzeitung mit Stimme, Haltung and the besonderen taz-Blick auf die Welt. Jeden Samstag neu am Kiosk and naturally im Abo.

A more absurd and absurd autumn

And in the Netherlands I really have an absurd problem in the fall, because the Navi-App is not inside the beaten path, and the kilometer traveled on the road is also interpreted today as the Teil ordinary names, in the wealth that I am making. The details don’t allow us to get a sense of the usage, configuration, and orientation of things, but the name of an atomic factory and fake wealth don’t.

Vielleicht liegt es auch an mir. From my Vater and Großvater I now know the true Kartenstudium vor der Abfahrt and therefore I will see it auf dem Handy an, which has lasted my life for me. While Auto in Bewegung is, the Navi app is linked to a new standard route and I am often able to find meters during another trip, auf den mich eingestellt hatte, et entsprechend verunsichert.

The reading details in this situation are very different, a bit lost and clicking in the browser mirror before following the browsing process. The first time this description is not in the water (if you get it) and twice I am in the ground Momenten ganz Mann: Auch ohne Ehefrau auf dem Beifahrersitz, die leicht resigniert “Ich glaube, wir müssen da abbiegen…” murmur, beharre ich darauf, genau zu wissen, wo es longgeht.

“I’m ready for feedback!” »

I didn’t, as I often did during the year, so frustrated with the Apples Karten-App war, because I came across Google Maps in the trash and used it. So Richtig Meckern Will Man Ja Nicht, weil es sich um kostenlose produkte handelt, und es gibt natürlich auch kostenpflichtige alternativen, aber auch da cann ich anekdotische Ub Eine Bezahl -The application is available for the card man which allows the Länder to load and connect offline.

The app has its own unique interpretation of the rich history, such as the “halbrechts” (geradeaus) or the “halblinks” (wenden) and leider which first drew me to the absurd festival on the Seitenstraßen, from the standard designation “long route” and the resulting navigation. an allen vorbeiführte highway.

This page is that of access to Navi-Apps applications which are aimed at men who move automatically. So as not to have any problems with you. Google has thought of a way to ensure that “barrier-free barriers are the order of the day”, but the travel details are such as treppen and large parts, which are easy to use when using a vehicle for children, a trolley or a walker, sagen wir mal, fra verschachtelte Altstädte in Europa bewegt. Überhaupt beschleicht often das Gefühl, dass die Navis mit verschlungenen, kurvigen, gewachsenen Straßenverläufen (or auch nur mit Kreisverkehren) überfordert sind. Now, as you see it, you will find all the American words that are written.

Also badly bei den Herstellern nachfragen, ob das eigentlich stimmt. The official Apple press reacts like an iPhone to a summer’s day, and is also not available; The PR agent, for Google work, immersed himself in a single answer to community representatives: “No.”

In the Google blog site, Maps lasts for longer periods of time, like der Verkehr “in 10, 20 or 50 minutes you can do it”. Stolz verkündet der Techkonzern, so noch better vorhersagen zu können, “ob ihr von einer Verkehrsbehinderung betroffen sein werdet, die oldeicht noch gar nicht begonnen hat”. And then, in the Grund, the Navi stands on the road and I see it like this: a KI-Glaskugel.

But there is no single way to do it, because a Google Maps allows you to immerse yourself in a panoramic and visual view, so that the man throws another route and he sits in his seat, for a complete overview of the information. Cheiden Soll? Google is responsible. Man nehme die Sicherheit der Fahrer*innen natürlich “sehr ernst”; The product must be ausgelegt, die Ablenkung der Fahrer*innen auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. This is a regulation test, with vehicle simulators and with real vehicles*.

Falls die Firma mal ehrliches Feedback haben möchte: Ich stünde bereit!