
Morena presents initiative to prohibit median constitutional suspensions of amparos through judicial reform

Morena presents initiative to prohibit median constitutional suspensions of amparos through judicial reform

Diputados del Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena) and its aliases, the Partido Trabajo (PT) and the Partido Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM), agreed to accelerate the discussion of a law initiative so that in the

Political constitution
Mexican prohibit oneself the issuance of suspensions derived from amparos.

So I confirmed it Luisa Maria Alcaldenational president of the Guinean Party and Ricardo Monreal, coordinator of the Morena parliamentary group in the House of Representatives. “Articles 105 and 107 to reaffirm that it is not possible to proceed with an appeal against the revised constitutional reforms approved or reformed by the permanent constituent body,” said Monreal Ávila.

Morena seeks to blind constitutional reforms

For my part, Luisa Maria Alcaldeconfirmed that there is a unity of deputies and senators to adjust the Constitution to prohibit the emission suspensions derived from amparos tramitar against the implementation of constitutional reforms and insist that this change of constitutional articles does not become a cause of ruin.

“Some games like this are the case Veracruz game which was implemented illegally because the law of amparo is clear in establishing that amparos cannot be subject to constitutional reforms. We look excellent and we say that the Ley de Amparo and now that it presents itself as a constitutional initiative. No change nada,” he declared during a meeting with Fuerza Informativa Azteca (FIA).

Federal Court orders Claudia Sheinbaum for Judicial Reform

The part to which Luisa María Alcalde refers is Nancy Juarez Salasholder of the Juzgado Décimo Noveno de Distrito, who resolved a recurso de un

amparo juice
issued the definitive suspension of the judicial reform and This is a 24 hour spot with Claudia Sheinbaum to withdraw the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF).

The president made her speech on the subject during her October 18 village term, so she made sure that she would not accept the decision to remove the DOF judicial reformand adelantó that will present a denunciation against the judge before the Consejo de la Judicatura Federal (FCJ).