
Krieg in Ukraine: Kiew answers questions from the West on the “Siege Plan”

Krieg in Ukraine: Kiew answers questions from the West on the “Siege Plan”

Die Ukraine erhofft sich nach der Vorstellung ihres “Siegesplans” im russian Angriffskrieg rasche Zusagen des Westens for die geforderte Militärhilfe. It’s not one day, but one day, said the head of the presidential office, Andrij Jermak, in the Ukrainian press. “Our partner verstehen die Logik des Plans,” he says. It is your Western partner who helps you to help you in Ukraine. Das Land est durch den russe Vormarsch austere sous Druck.

Details of the Ukrainian presidents’ “Siege Plans” Wolodymyr Selenskyj Sind bisher öffentlich nicht bekannt. The head of state has his jewelry behind the retirement homes of his offices in Paris, Rome and London with the heads of state and Regierungsprochen. In Berlin, I am the Freitag Kanzler Olaf Scholz and the President of the Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

It is now Western Ukraine of a free Langstreckenwaffen army for the armed forces that are in the Russian hinterland. The Ukrainian Führung ended up with people who realized this, because it is darum for the people, the military of the Moskau zu zerstören, but they are not in another country. Russia is an Atommacht. Zudem Fordert Kiew An initiative for Ukraine with NATO-Mitgliedschaft.

Kiew lobt Dynamik bei Drohnenschlägen gegen Russland

According to Jermak, this is a big improvement in plan for plan. Nun brauche es sehr konkrete Zusagen vom Westen. Selensky has a new green package for long-term travel, to ensure the use of air transport systems, investments for Ukraine’s own production of drones and other companies.

Derweil puts pressure on the Oberkommandierende der Streitkräfte, Olexander Syrskyj, in the social networks of the Dynamik beim Einsatz von Drohnen gegen militärische Ziele auf russe Staatsgebiet. Ukraine received ammunition and ammunition, explosive explosions and so on the management of the situation. The Ukrainian media were founded, the Vorbild for the greatest German luxury, the Schlagkraft sei, the country with the Einsatz reichweitenstarker Waffen gegen Militaire Ziele in the Russian hinterland.

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