
Markus Kerber talks about a Riverking, Victor Östling is able to provide security services on board.

Markus Kerber talks about a Riverking, Victor Östling is able to provide security services on board.

zeigt Coach Martin Hoffmann (left) and Markus Kerber (right). – © HC Landsberg Riverklings Media/PR

Landsberg. (PM HC) Next Markus Kerber has the general management with the absolute team, he is entitled to the nuns’ party, he is in this party of the season for the Riverkings aufläuft.

The 37-day cycle takes place in the following season for the summer season. Während seiner langen Karriere stand erdem unteranderem for the ESV Kaufbeuren in the 2nd Bundesliga sowie for the ECDC Memmingen in the Bayernliga auf dem Eis. This article is published in 371 games 346 pages. Kerber will be present in this season with the number 59 auflaufen.
Coach Martin Hoffmann said: “With Markus we have a full-fledged player in Kader, who can help a young player use his own machine. Wir freuen uns, dass er sich entschieden hat, seine Karriere bei uns forttzusetzen.

Zusätzlich zu ihrem Platz im Kader des HCL werden die beiden jungen Talente Stephan Sailer et Felix Merkle mit einer Lizenz for den ESV Fürstenfeldbruck ausgestattet. If so, you can tune in to your gaming practice in other reel groups.

After Victor Östling was deprived of Gründen for a long time in Sweden, he has not yet arrived in the Donnerstag at the Kader of the Mannschaft.

Dazu Sportvorstand Michael Grundei: “We are free ones, dass Victor wieder zu uns gestures ist. For our hero, there is a very good player. Allerdings gibt es im Leben manchmal Dinge, die wichtiger sind als der Sport! We have all the great Verständnis, because they must be adapted to Switzerland.