
United States provides services for the management of automobile factories serving electric vehicles, according to the Department of Energy’s

United States provides services for the management of automobile factories serving electric vehicles, according to the Department of Energy’s

The US Department of Energy provides the delivery services to the tune of 1.7 billion US dollars to support the production of electronic products (E-Fahrzeuge), so the US Minister of Energy Jennifer Granholm. Die Zuschüsse esteil der Regierungsbemühungen, die E-Fahrzeug-Industrie zu fördern et Autohersteller bei der Umstellung ihrer Anlagen auf die Produktion von E-Fahrzeugen et ses components pour la support.

Auf Reuters Next Konferenz concrete Granholm das Engagement des Ministeriums, die Zuschüsse zügig abzuschließen: “Wir arbeiten so schnell wie möglich daran, so viel wie möglich zu finalisieren – um die Zusagen vertraglich mit allen ausgewählten Unternehmen zu fixieren.” Sie deutete an, dass der Zess innerhalb weniger Monate abgeschlossen sein soll.

I am Juli kündigte from the Energieministerium (DOE) and I am responsible for the supply of a large car dealership. General Motors (NYSE:) offers seine manufacturing support at Lansing Grand River Assembly Plants in Michigan at E-Fahrzeug-Produktion. Stellantis (NYSE:NYSE:) sold US$334.8 million for seines assembly at the Belvidere assembly plants for the production of electronic vehicles and US$250 million for seines management at the factories Indiana transmission plant in Kokomo for the production of electronic vehicles. -Components used.

Die Umstellung auf E-Fahrzeug-Produktion verläuft nicht ohne Herausforderungen. The Gewerkschaft United Auto Workers (UAW) which, with its efforts to implement investments in the Stellantis factories in the Belvidere factory, was created by law agencies for better management of the works, has become easier. However, the Complexity of the Situation and Error should be taken into account, and the DOE will not be subject to any changes.

Other political implications of the E-Fahrzeug-Investitionen are in German. UAW President Shawn Fain warned of the risk of investing in the US private sector, while US President Donald Trump decided to buy some time and have an investment recovery plan electronic. Trump has the responsibility to ensure that electronics production is industrial production for American production projects. Angelegenheit awaits us in Aufmerksamkeit, while Trump’s Chairman of the Board, US Senator JD Vance of Ohio, has not authorized the approval of a US$500 million investment for GM.

Un GM-Sprecher erklärte, the Unternehmen noch über die Bedingungen des Zuschusses verhandele et spekulierte nicht über mögliche Folgen, sollte der Zuschuss nicht zustande kommen.

Granholm has the Biden administration’s strong industrial strategy for securing U.S. auto production. You have the opportunity to actively search with services and advice for women, engage in registration, provide you with self-sales services, global customer support services, costs for customers, security contracts and innovations for the future.

Granholms Äußerungen auf der Konferenz emphasized the proactive role of Regierung bei der Sicherstellung, that the United States adopted the E-Fahrzeug-Markt, but it did not understand the potential of Detroit’s Potenzial Hervorhob, which is not yet available, the Tempo in the Branch is ready.

Reuters is leading this article beigetragen.

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