
Brics-Gipfel: China and India form Frieden in Ukraine – Putin lobt Vermittlungsversuche

Brics-Gipfel: China and India form Frieden in Ukraine – Putin lobt Vermittlungsversuche

China and India turn to the Brics-Gipfel in Kasan for Frieden in Ukraine, without Russia for the kritisieren. Putin is putting pressure on the Vermittlungsangebote. Ukraine has an international view of the Russian invasion.

China and India were the Bric States’ treffens in Kasan for an ausgesprochen Frieden in Ukraine – without Russia and the guarantees of the United States. Russian President Wladimir Putin gave the “positive” state speech, while Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Peskow spoke at the Mittwoch. The European Union ordered the Gipfel state councilors in the Russian Kasan to get rid of the nuts, from Putin to take care of the “Krieg gegen das ukrainische Volk” at the time.

The Three Principles spoke of the “situation” in Ukraine “if it is possible to change”, declared Chinese President Xi Jinping at the official start of the Gipfel: “An ausweitung des Schlachtfelds, an escalation of the camp and a provocation of a of its members. “

Indian regime leader Narendra Modi has decided to ensure that any intervention measures result in “a little more Frieden and better stability.” After that, Angaben von Peskow pledged that President Putin would take care of the Ukrainian Brics-Kollegen training program and support “positive dynamism” on the Front in Ukraine.

Ukraine must rely on security measures in Kasan and information policy for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “The Brics-Gipfel, from Russia to this point, from the world to space, have a little more life, the largest world in the world and the page of Ukraine and their members have an einen umfassenden, gerechten and dauerhaften Friedens steht”, teilte das Kiew Public Prosecutor’s Office mit.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who had a sudden fall in the war in Russia, fought for the video botschaft and also in the war region in Nahen Osten for a journey to a world war beyond the world war. .

In Bezug Auf den Konflikt Zwischen Israel un Der Radikalislamischen Hamas Sowie der Pro-Iranischen Hisbollah-Miliz Im Libanon Gaben Die Brics-Staaten (Brazilian, Russian, Indian, China, South African, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Iran, Verreinigise, emière) Emière, Gématique , Iran, Verreingis ärung heraus. Darin Forderten sie the “strong End” Israeli Angriffe auf the lebanese UN-Mission Unifil. The Israeli territory of Lebanon has been preserved.

Putin: “freundschaftlichen” Beziehungen zu Tehran verstärken

The events in Kasan led Iranian President Massud Pesschkian to become the partner of the BRICS, “their collective and individual programs” for the end of the wars in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

Mit dem “geschätzten Nachbarn” Russland verbinde dans Land a “unumgängliche” strategic Partnerschaft, sagte er weiter. Iran is living, Russia with the freedom of drones and cross roads to support them. In a double intervention by the Gipfels, Putin said Tehran’s “friendly policy” was aimed at the people.

Während des premieres Gipfeltages kamen auch Modi et Xi zu ihrem bilateralen Gespräch seit fünf Jahren zusammen, comme le Indische Außenministerium mitteilte. Beide Seiten hatten kurz vor dem Gipfel ein Abkommen en einem Grenzstreit erzielt. Laut un Bericht des Chinasischen Staatssenders CCTV vereinbarten auch Xi et Modi unine Verstärkung ihrer Zusammenarbeit.

The Gipfel of the Bric-saat State as a gelegenheit for Putin is planned, for the first time in terms of Darstellung fehlgeschlagenen Westlichen Bemühungen zur Isolierung Russlands zu manifesten. The initiative is a “multipolar world organization in the gang, it is a dynamic and uncontrollable process,” the Kreml leader said. Dabei stärkten die Brics-Staaten “your response to international climate change”.

The Brics-Gruppe, named after the United States of Brazil, Russia, India and China in 2010, joined South Africa, which declared war on Western domination in the whole world. They were welcomed by the government under the leadership of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in Kasan.

During this Tuesday, the Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres Putin, will be responsible for a speech. This is the first time that the man will be established in 2022. Guterres will be in Kasan “in his position of the Krieg in Ukraine and in the conditions for a fried man within the Charter and State Resolutions and the rights of peoples. shearing breast stellvertretender Sprecher, Farhan Haq.

Ukraine and Estonia have been criticized by Guterres. The UN Secretary General took on the “Putin regime” with a “Klaren Propagandesieg”, said Austrian Minister Margus Tsahkna.
