
All games for PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Switch

All games for PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Switch

Here we have the great Gral going to virtual Bauern, the real trauma of a Tetris fan and the new game Horizon.


11. November 2024 | PC | Solo

To Everholm Help the protagonist Lilly help you find Switzerland. On a mysterious island, on all humans who know plans, but on a construction building, they learn new working methods and take care of the use. Please note that the details of the interior and exterior are included. There are also activities with fish and farming in fantastic dungeons, a monster to discover and certain materials to collect. Auf der Suche nach Lillys verschwundener Schwester kann sich die Geschichte in ganz unterschiedliche Richtungen entwickeln, denn the Spiel entwickelt sich nonlinear.

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25

12. November 2024 | PC, PS5, XSX | Solo, Koop

Im Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25 You can visit detailed maps of North America, Europe and Asia in your own Hof gestalten. I have the Wahl which has over 400 models of branded realistic vehicles and workshops, working ground, living and forestry for business. Thanks to new technologies such as GPS-controlled machines and realistic wet effects, you can get your own farming business for more vertiefen. New culture, like Reis and Gemüse, sowie Tiere like Büffel and Ziegen bieten zusätzlich Abwechslung. The game features multiplayer purchases and mod support for huge Bauern virtual lives. Do you want more information about the game? Do not hesitate to contact us for the Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25.


Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25: Collector's Edition (PC)
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25: Collector’s Edition (PC)

Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age

12. November 2024 | PC | Single player, early access

In Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age Steuert ihr die Streitkräfte von NATO- und Warschauer-Pakt während des Kalten Krieges. Mit modernen Waffen und Sensoren führt ihr maritime Schlachten und Luftkämpfe. You should use the U-Boote along the way or in the most difficult places to navigate. Tactics and techniques are used to identify a radar contact and detailed information about the start, allowing them to stop emergency rules.

The rise of the golden idol

12. November 2024 | PC, PS4, PS5, XBO, XSX, NSW | Solo

In The Rise of the Golden Idol erkundet ihr das Geheimnis eines mächtigen Artefakts, the Welt verändern könnte. I need 20 mysterious episodes in lyrics, stories and memories within the framework of 70 years. Die Handlung verknüpft Halluzinogene, Parapsychologie und düstere Motive, während ihr die Wahrheit in the ratselhaften Ereignissen enthüllt. I am free to accept and have a theory of my own to understand, a complex set of measurements of the difficult world into the future.

Tetris forever

12. November 2024 | PC, PS4, PS5, XBO, XSX, NSW | Singleplayer, PvP

In Tetris forever I offer you legendary puzzle games from 40 years ago in a gigantic assortment. The game includes more than 15 classic Tetris titles, which are the first verified international versions. This is actually a new game complete with Tetris Time Warp, which is both the best player of the gaming era. Verschiedene Mehrspieler-Modi, Retro-Grafiken et Dokumentationen zur Geschichte de Spiels machen Tetris Forever zum feuchten Traum eines jeden Tetris-Nerds.

Temtem: Swarm

13. November 2024 | PC | Singleplayer, Koop, Early Access

In Temtem: Swarm You can end the Horden of Pokémon-artigen Tems in an action-packed survival game. Ihr must verschiedene Fähigkeiten freischalten et gegen riesige Bosse antreten, um zu überleben. The game features board games such as Koop-Modi, in your house with your three friends. Thanks to strategic employees and simple techniques, you will always be able to follow the gesture of the probe, which will allow you to go to a versatile map and make new Tems available.

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake

14. November 2024 | PC, PS5, XSX, New South Wales | Solo

In Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remakeerlebt Ihr die epische Geschichte von Ortega et seinem Kind, la Mission antritt, den finsteren Baramos zu asiegen. The remake of Dragon Quest written episodes features modernized graphics in the style of modern retro games from Square Enix, a different game world with Dungeons and buildings managed by masters to create a monsters life. Rekrutiert Verbündete mit unterschiedlichen Berufen, einschließlich der neuen Klasse “Monsterbändiger” et erforscht Geheimnisse.

LEGO Horizon Adventures

14. November 2024 | PC, PS5, New South Wales | Solo, Koop

In LEGO Horizon Adventures Baut et Kämpft Ihr Euch durch a Klemmbaustein-Variante von Horizon. I am happy with Aloy and her Heldancrew auf einer Reise, um die Welt zu retten et Geheimnisse zu lüften. I therefore suggest that you go directly to the LEGO-typical Koop-Modus games. Mit individualn Anpassungen gestaltet ihr euer Dorf et kämpft in actionreichen Schlachten gegen mächtige Maschinen. Aber Achtung: Even if you are not on the PS5 along the way, you will have to go to a Playstation Konto to play LEGO Horizon Adventures. Do you want more information about the game? Don’t worry about your experience with LEGO Horizon Adventures.

Little Island

14. November 2024 | PC, PS5, XSX, New South Wales | Solo

In Little Island erkundet ihr un friedliche tropische Insel et Helft Lily dabei, die Abenteuer ihres Großvaters et seiner alten Fotos nachzuvollziehen. I approached versteckte Schätze, interacted with the Einheimischen and stopped to enjoy the moment at the next Kamera festival. Please note that the following terms and conditions will be sent to the following pages. The game fits into the focus on erkundung and entspannung in a world well known for Erinnerungen and Abenteuer.

Age of Empires II: DE – Chronicles: Battle for Greece

14. November 2024 | PC, XBO, XSX | Solo, Koop, Online PvP

In Age of Empires II: Defintivie Edition – Chronicles: Battle for Greece erlebt ihr die antike Welt durch eine Campagne, die über ein Jahrhundert griechischer Geschichte abdeckt. Le Verteidigt Griechenland während the Perserkriege, erlebt die Entstehung der Demokratie à Athens et nehmt an epischen episode like Marathon and Thermopylae teil. I am DLC for your great game which features new techniques and civilizations like Athener and Spartaner. Their historical figures give birth to animated sequences and new mechanical mechanisms.

Path of Exile 2

15. November 2024 | PC, PS5, XSX | Singleplayer, Koop, Early Access

Achtung: Diablo-Schlächter im Anmarsch! In Path of Exile 2I recommend it to you in the dark world of games, so that the author stops one day. The second group of ARPG-Megahits has created a new campaign with several actions, in their life, with more than 100 unique bosses and 600 versatile monsters. With 12 character classes, over 240 assets, and 200 services, up to 1,500 passives can build their own complete business. The Endgame complex and many learning opportunities are resolved for the Long Railways, when the game launches on November 15 at the start of Early Access. Do you want more information about the game? So let’s not expect Path of Exile 2.

Industry Giant 4.0

15. November 2024 | PC | Single player, early access

Himself in Industry has already had development experience and thus started the next Industry Gigant in November in Early Access. In Industry Gigant 4.0 this is the Imperium, which is based on the Waltung of Resources, the Production of Gütern and the Handel. Every business is the best business strategy to optimize the city and the world of Europe. Ihr baut Fabriken, errichtet Produktionsketten und erweitert euer Unternehmen. The game offers maps, Sandbox modes and management features, business automation and management tools to help you. You will also be able to check the Modifying Functions for the Verfügung.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

19. November 2024 | PC, XSX | Solo, Koop

Euch wird immer vorgeworfen zu “abgehoben” zu sein? With Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 You don’t have to go to Vorurteil for the best. In the new version of realistic flight simulation you have new and improved features. The 2024er Variant includes numerous air transport planes, air transport planes, a helicopter up to the largest passengers. Zusätzlich erwarten euch Herausforderungen, such as Rettungsmissionen, Frachttransport et Luftshows. The whole simulation and night graphics are sollen for immersive simulation environment and games. Do you want more information about the game? So let’s not expect Flight Simulator 2024.


Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Premium Deluxe SteelBook Edition - Xbox Series X|S and Windows download code
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 – Premium Deluxe SteelBook Edition – Xbox Series X|S and Windows download code

STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl

20. November 2024 | PC, XSX | Solo

In Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl There is a post-apocalyptic world, in the Chernobyl factory area, where there are very dangerous phenomena, mutants and supernatural anomalies. In the world of frequent play, you have access to splits, conflicts and playback updates of current games. Stalker 2 combines elements of survival and horror with shooting mechanics, numerous resources and unlimited starting capabilities of the nerf kit to the maximum. Thanks to a graphic which is in a dark atmosphere and which is generated by such vollens art objects which are very safe. Do you want more information about the game? So let’s not expect to see Stalker 2.


STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Day One Steelbook Edition (Xbox Series X)
STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Day One Steelbook Edition (Xbox Series X)

Luma Island

20. November 2024 | PC | Solo, Koop

On the island of Luma Erkundet ihr un Mysteriöse Insel allein oder mit bis zu vier Personen. I start in another vehicle and build a modern villa. Während ihr die Insel erkundet, explain your quests, help people and entdeckt gefährliche Höhlen, alte Tempel et Schätze. Ihr wählt aus sieben Berufen, verbessert eure Werkzeuge et werdet durch Zusammenarbeit der Meister eures Handwerks. The game offers only one activity from around the world, such as Landwirtschaft, Handwerk and Schatzsuche, which allows you to work together. We’re here to find out more Seite mit weiteren Highlights!