
Brian Stanley’s complaint passed to Gardaí, says Mary Lou McDonald – News

Brian Stanley’s complaint passed to Gardaí, says Mary Lou McDonald – News

By Cate McCurry, Pennsylvania

A complaint at the center of a disciplinary investigation against Brian Stanley has been referred to gardaí, the Sinn Féin leader has said.

In a statement, Mary Lou McDonald said a complaint had been made at the end of July against the Laois TD by a long-standing member of the party.

She said a committee had been set up as part of the party’s internal disciplinary processes to investigate the complaint.

Sinn Fein Ard Fheis 2024
Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald said a complaint was made in late July against Brian Stanley by a long-serving party member. Photo: Niall Carson/PA.

Mr Stanley announced his resignation from Sinn Féin, comparing the internal disciplinary process to a kangaroo court.

He is the second TD to leave the party in the last week.

Mr Stanley, who has been a Laois-Offaly TD since 2011 and chair of the Oireachtas public accounts committee, said he was ending his 40-year association with the party and would remain a “TD Republican » independent.

Ms McDonald said during the preliminary stages of the investigation additional information was provided which resulted in a counter-allegation.

“Congressman Stanley’s rights have been protected throughout this process. He was accompanied, as was his right, by a lawyer and a lawyer during the meeting with the disciplinary committee,” she said.

“A preliminary report was provided to both individuals last week, and they were given seven days to respond.

“At the same time, the party requested external legal advice.

“The internal process has now been suspended and the matter has been escalated to An Garda Siochana. Brian Stanley and the other party were informed of this.

“We will not ignore or hide from difficult issues when they arise.

“These are not results that anyone likes to see, but let me be clear: we have robust procedures in place to deal with these issues and they will be followed at all times and will apply equally to all members of the party.”

It comes as Sinn Féin MP Lynn Boylan called on Mr Stanley to reveal the complaint made against him which led to the party’s internal investigation.

Ms Boylan accused him of publishing half a story.

In a statement released on Saturday evening, Mr Stanley said his decision followed a “complaint” filed against him.

A close-up of Brian Stanley
Brian Stanley said he was ending 40 years of association with the party. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA.

Ms Boylan said there are “checks and balances” within an organization and Mr Stanley decided to leave before the process was complete.

She said the Laois TD had a lawyer present during the process and it was “disappointing” that he did not allow it to continue.

She said it was “deeply misleading and loaded” to talk about kangaroo courts while being represented by a lawyer.

“I don’t know the nature of the allegation, he has more information about it than I do, but I know there is a disciplinary process,” she told Newstalk.

“If someone is represented by a lawyer, they cannot say there is no due process.

“Brian could end this today and tell people what he’s under investigation for, if he felt so harshly treated. He needs to be honest and tell us.

“He could clarify this with a tweet if he wanted to.

“He’s making accusations, but not providing any information as to the nature of those accusations, so it’s very unfair.

“There are two sides here, so Brian could clarify things if he gave the context of this vendetta and what the nature of the investigation was.”

Mr Staley questioned the party’s process, saying it “lacked objectivity” and was “seriously flawed”.

“This ‘investigation’ has been shown to lack any credibility, including a significant abuse of process,” Mr Stanley said.

“In many ways it was like a kangaroo court of sorts. The legal review of this matter will continue.

“Given what I have experienced and the way Sinn Fein has handled this and other issues within the wider party in recent months, I can no longer trust it.”

Her resignation comes days after Kildare South TD Patricia Ryan announced she had left the party.

Ms Ryan said her resignation was a response to the party “undermining” her.

Sinn Féin TD Pa Daly said he first became aware of Mr Stanley’s resignation on Sunday morning.

“I was disappointed to hear that Brian had tendered his resignation,” he told RTÉ’s The Week In Politics.

“For all his colorful colloquialisms, he had good politics and a good sense of humor, and I was disappointed to learn that that’s what he did.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee speaks to the media outside Government Buildings in Dublin, after announcing the Government's approval for the Life Sentences Bill 2024, which will give judges the power discretion to recommend minimum periods of imprisonment for those sentenced to life imprisonment.
Justice Minister Helen McEntee highlighted the controversies which have engulfed Sinn Féin in recent weeks. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA.

“I get most of my information on this from what Brian actually said on the Laois website.”

Justice Minister Helen McEntee has highlighted the controversies which have engulfed Sinn Féin in recent weeks, including the fallout around the party’s former press secretary Michael McMonagle and revelations that a Sinn Féin member has resigned party after allegedly sending inappropriate messages to a 17-year-old.

“What you’ve been talking about here with (Sinn Fein) MP Pa Daly is a party that is not fit to govern because of the structures they don’t have in their organization,” Ms McEntee said.

“In just the last few weeks, a senior member has given references to an individual who was investigated and has since admitted to child abuse, and we have a party leader saying that he knew nothing about it.

“You have another party member who left because he was sending inappropriate messages. Once again, a party leader who apparently knew nothing about it.

“There are structures out there that don’t take care of it properly.

“You have a party member who is leaving because she says she has been silenced. And now you have a fourth person who says he was subjected to a kangaroo court.