
The bombs defend their triggering during the fire of Campanar weighs at the average during the first escalation which will occur.

The bombs defend their triggering during the fire of Campanar weighs at the average during the first escalation which will occur.

The judicial investigation into the fire which destroyed on February 22 a set of 138 viviendas del Campanar district of Valencia, and the one who matures diez personas, follows his course.

In comparison with the testimony of this judge of investigating judge number 9, the head of the mayor’s bombers, Enrique Chisbert, admitted that at one point it was a fire in a conventional home and that he needed to quickly change the protocol. tratarse de dos torres residential of gran altura connected between ellas. So I confirm the ABC legal sources connoisseurs of the statement.

The effects are also important, but with other drawbacks. There first automatic scale who arrived at the place of the disaster could not be unloaded to catch the llamas from the facade because they fell by an average. A few minutes later there will be something else working.

The victims’ lawyers have ensured that they are responsible for the maintenance of this vehicle and that the consequences can be incurred in the activation of the bombs. Without embargo, Chisbert has entered into a contract no influence on the response against fire or on the evolution of mismo.

But we must admit certain errors of our own, the head of the municipal body declared before the judgment, the fiscal and the letters of the personal victims for the cause of serious deficiencies who went to the residence on Calle Rafael Alberti, built – as we have just informed ABC – with a more lax 1996 standard regarding flammable materials.

According to information from the Scientific Police, the two buildings will seize the accidental fire in the refrigerator of house 86 of the octave plant of the high tower. Especially since the fire alarms did not work or the facade panels contained a polyethylene core which accelerated the tragedy, Chisbert deplored that the protected stairs which must take two hours to evacuate all the neighbors, collapsing in a few minutes, convirtiendose in a kind of chimney with a lot of humidity and toxic gases.

From this judicial instruction, issued in June by order of the Valencia Court, during the last days of the disaster, those close to the fatal victims hope to obtain the answers that will be given to them today. You know, from the lamas and the messages from despedida who receive, that some of your seres queridos murieron up to three hours after starting the llamas and in the more alejada tower. A line of inquiry for those who fight their letters before court.