
Das sind die liebtesten Reieziele der Wohlhabenden

Das sind die liebtesten Reieziele der Wohlhabenden

Das sind die liebtesten Reieziele der Wohlhabenden

Destinations like Thailand, Slovenia and the United Kingdom are becoming increasingly popular with wealthy travelers.
xbrchx/Getty Images

Wohlhabende Jetsetter machen Urlaub an einer Mischung aus tradtionellen und neuen Reiezielen.

European hotspots like Rome and Paris are still there to believe travelers inside.

Other states such as Thailand, Slowenien and the Vereinigte Königreich verzeichnen plus Buchungen.

This is a machine that offers an article presented by the American college of Business Insider. This is an automated operation and real writing carried out.

I see London, I see France.

And was it kommt danach?

Nun, embrace China, Canada and Slowenien, for one person.

Nach Angaben of the Luxusreisebüros Virtuoso plants a trip that will take place in 2024 in a trip to Großstädte like New York, Rome and Paris at the Vergleich in 2023.

Aber seien wir ehrlich – these berühmten Metropolen werden wahrscheinlich immer bei Globetrottern go Color beliebt sein. And now we have Runden um das Kolosseum and we have seen Gläsern Bourdeaux am Eiffelturm star sich viele die Frage: Was kommt als Nächstes?

“We have such old hosts, who are closest to Europe and have all the Orte traditions,” said Misty Belles, vice president of global environmental design at Virtuoso , created by BI. “Sie suchen nach etwas Ungewöhnlicherem, Einzigartigem als einige der traditionellen Touristenorte. »

The Asian Länder, tourist trips wohlhabende zunehmend besuchen

When the written team of

When the written team of “The White Lotus” premiered, the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui was established, which helped create luxury travel agencies and offer more trips to Thailand.
Ken Seet

The virtuoso will study for the summer vacation in Thailand from 2023 to 2024 at 95 percent. Japan has a huge response at 110 percent, books for China at 68 percent (herbs for the letztgenannte country are at 146 percent).

Beautiful things, the belief of traveling to China and Japan is not too big for them.

The East Asian states feel they are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as far as the larger network is concerned. So that all of Japan is ready for 2020, a tourist trip, there has been an increasingly important trip, which lasts for some time.

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“Have the states of Southeast Asia been treated, so Thailand is at the moment,” says Belles.

They will premiere for 2025 by the written team of “The White Lotus”, which was broadcast at the luxurious Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui and the Anantara Mai Khao Villas Phuket. The first team of the HBO series has been created at the Four Seasons Resorts in Maui, Hawaii, and Taormina, Italy.

The most credible European travelers

Länder wie Slowenien verzeichnen mehr Reisende.

Länder wie Slowenien verzeichnen mehr Reisende.
Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images

“Vacation travel will be offered through classic offering and new luxury models,” Melissa Krueger, CEO of large luxury provider Classic Vacations, said in an email and BI. Sie sage, Europa sei “weiterhin eine Top-Wahl”, insbesondere Italians “Zeitlose Erlebnisse”.

But if your skin is in Rome, Florenz and the Toskana wart, isn’t it also in Slowenien?

Nach Angaben von Virtuoso sind die Sommerbuchungen für das mitteleuropäische Land à 24 percent managed.

“Man hört immer more davon”, says Belles et verweist auf die nachhaltigen Praktiken des Landes: “Es ist ursprünglich, leicht zu bereisen et viel näher, als die Leute denken. C’est zieht Kunden an, die schon in anderen Teilen Europas waren et nach etwas Neuem und Anderem suchen“.

Laut Virtuoso will be the Sommerbuchungen für Slowenien im Jahr 2024 im Vergleich zu 2023 on December 24.

Laut Virtuoso will be the Sommerbuchungen für Slowenien im Jahr 2024 im Vergleich zu 2023 on December 24.

Auch die Zahl der Reisen nach Portugal ist in diesem Sommer um 34 Prozent gestiegen.

Yes, the Lisbon war, as Belles is ausdrückte, “schon immer da”, from the legendary culture, lifestyle and authenticity of the Landes, is more humane than that of the other European Länder. “Es fühlt sich nicht wie un super touristisches Reieziel an.”

If you are in contact with the Lisbon wart, you will have to make sure that the three northern workers take care of Porto. Classic Vacations offers you vacations to the Portuguese city from the first month of the month of 2023 until the day of the month of 2024 of December 63.

More leisure activities near Porto, Portugal

More leisure activities near Porto, Portugal

We are both green and white, so they are in the Vereinigte Königreich and in the Irish Republic. Laut Virtuoso verzeichneten ces Länder in ce Sommer ainen Popularitätsschub, mit 32 Prozent more Buchungen als im Vorjahr.

A phenomenon, das also der Reise-Concierge-Service Hat typically beobachtet.

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If the best ones are loved by the family, the family will be there, and the mother will be there.

Kelly Grumbach, Senior Vice President of Travel bei Quintessentially, led BI, responsible for the “exponential” travel agencies responsible for managing human resources for Ireland and Scotland, as well as outdoor restaurants, gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels. ieser Länder angezogen fühlen.

And there is not a single one who says: “Wir haben festgestellt, dass viele Kunden nach Großbritannien zurückkehren”, you said.

We’re not here, so you can find Canada or the Karibik ausprobieren

Spray River in Banff National Park.

Spray River in Banff National Park.
Brian Kennedy/Getty Images

If you are not in contact with the United States, you will have to travel to the North.

The virtuoso trained for the summer of 2024 in the next 40 years of studies for Canada in the Vorjahr region was to enable him to make more and more trips to the cold climates of machen wollen.

Ireland and Scotland also offer many travel opportunities in the United States, which are so important in nature, as demonstrated by Banff National Park and evil Lake Louise.

Laut Virtuoso is a Canadian software for word creation software “Coolcations”.

Laut Virtuoso is a Canadian software for word creation software “Coolcations”.
George Rose/Getty Images

“People have lost their way and a trip to the Bauernhof is great,” said the director of Classic Vacations and in British Columbia: “Sie wollen dorthin, wo sie heute den Lachs gefangen und die Brombeeren gepflückt haben. We are local Kleinbrauereien or Weinkellereien gibt.

Angenommen, ihr vorzuget wärmeres Wetter und die Strände der Karibik. During this fall I had a retreat in the Dominican Republic, the Laut Virtuoso had a summer study of 23 percent and for the next emergency season a greater response of 105 percent. Auch Sainte-Lucie verzeichnet un ähnliches Wachstum von 305 Prozent bei den Buchungen.

Laut Virtuoso verzeichnete die Dominikanische Republic in diesem Sommer einen Anstieg der Buchungen un 23 Prozent im Vergleich zum letzten Sommer.

Laut Virtuoso verzeichnete die Dominikanische Republic in diesem Sommer einen Anstieg der Buchungen un 23 Prozent im Vergleich zum letzten Sommer.
AP Photo/Jim Krane

In order to fly to Saint-Barthélemy, the luxury travel agency has a 37-hour summer business pick-up.

The war of Saint-Barthélemy will immerse you in a journey of confidence – a little further, in the hotel complexes during the use of Hurricane Irma during the month of the year 2017, therefore a virtuoso speech.

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The “Stück Südfrankreich in der Karibik”, like Grumbach von Quintessentially es nannte, is also a Ziel, and the employers of the meisten Wiederholungsreisen verzeichnet.

Saint Barthélemy is nach wie vor ein beliebtes Reieziel in der Karibik.

Saint Barthélemy is nach wie vor ein beliebtes Reieziel in der Karibik.
Holger Leue/Getty Images

“The men sleep well, the restaurants are fantastic and the trips are great, but in the Karibik it is”, so Grumbach, “man must not last the Armut fahren, um zu seinem Resort zu gelangen, wie es auf vielen anderen Inseln der Fall est.“

I often tend to check out hotspots like Jumby Bay Island and Anguilla. But it’s not the Dominican Republic, but you know that, you’re at the Aman-Resort, of course.